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I am 21 and dont like my mom telling me


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I am 21 and i am in UTEP fulltime.My mom is a bitch she alaways tries to tell me what to wear,how late i should be out and lately she is on my case about the social media sites and who I should chat with .She treats me like i am 12:mad:

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I have the same response for you as I did for the person who's 25 and doesn't like her parents verbal abuse. You're no longer a minor, if you don't like her parenting, you have the choice to move out. If you already have a job, work more hours, find roommates etc. I moved out at 18, made mistakes and learned from them, but ultimately it was the best decision as staying in a household being verbally and physically put down by my dad was the worse of two evils.

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I think you must doing things that can help understand your mum that you have grown up.All in all,your mum love you and wish you only godness!Love your mum,its very important !

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I'm 24, in my own house and married with a one year old... And my Mum is still the same! I don't think she'll ever change. It's annoying and I do pull her up on it occasionally but I've started to accept that that's the way shell always be and she's just treating me like her baby. Parents! Lol :) it is easier when you move out though x

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