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Is dating for women 100% easier? Are men expendable to women?

Caius Ballad

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I'm not really into one night stands. They don't do much for me, I'm a relationship kind of a guy




Like I said before, all I want is a nice girl that will be loyal and treat me well. I do like very hot girls with awesomely toned bodies but that's merely eye candy. I have very very flexible standards in real life


A relationship guy whose never been in a relationship. :laugh:

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A relationship guy whose never been in a relationship. :laugh:



I have had a few one night stands and been offered many more. They just don't do much for me




The problem is I feel very uncomfortable talking to girls in real life when I'm not drunk :(

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Alma Mobley
Guess you werent lifting enough in the gym :p. Im glad your jobs keeping ya fit. I love a chick whos got some fitness on her. :love:


I have a 30lb two-year-old and have to carry him around a lot, so that helps. Plus living on a hill and carrying/pushing that 30lbs for miles helps too. I worked hard at the gym, but look and feel better with a good diet and moderate exercise. :) If I have to move so that I have to drive and not walk/bike, I wiil go to the (ugh) gym again!

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Alma Mobley
favorite classic rock bands?



I love Rush, the combination of magnificent musicianship and a warm emotional atmosphere is hard to resist. I love "YYZ" and "2112" especially. Geddy Lee and Neal Peart are arguably the best rhythm section in rock history


Hate Rush, lol. But music tastes are subjective, no? I thought we were going to argue something logically, somewhere, somehow? ;)

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Negative Nancy
You would love working out if you worked out with me :)





I make it a lot of fun, I don't take things too seriously. I'm all about working hard but also having a lot of the fun in the gym.


yeah, i can picture exactly what your idea of "fun in the gym" looks like. :rolleyes: you're probably one of those people who block benches in between sets to talk on your cell phone, stand in the way because you need to flex and look at the "pump" of your biceps every 5 seconds and high-five you frat buddies in a loud obnoxious manner. :rolleyes:

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All women will treat you well and be loyal to you if you really look like you do. Most women have one night stands because they want a relationship with a rich muscle man but can't get it, so they just sleep with them. Women would rather sleep with a guy far above their league than have a long term relationship with their equals.


I call shananigans. If you're a guy and you have money/a great job like you say, and also spend all your time on your fitness, you don't need to know how to talk to women, or go to places to meet them, or anything else, they will literally come banging on your door and the ball is completely in your court.



To the Bisexual gorilla that claims you can look like this guy by working 3 hours a week: that is a lie. You really think when Brad Pitt is working out for a movie, that he only works out 3 (or 6) hours a week? No. The amount of work it takes to look this way is substantial, which is fine if it's your hobby and your fueled by vanity, but don't pretend all it takes is a couple of set of curls a week and everyone can do it.




I'm still in college, I'm graduating in 2 months and then I will make good money after that hopefully



In terms of working out. My lifestyle really is pretty low maintenance. I go to the gym about 6-10 hours a week - usually around 7-8 (only more if I pig out and eat a lot of food during a certain day)



I know exactly the calories of everything so I just make sure my daily consumption fits into what calorie number I'm trying to reach for the day depending on whether I'm trying to add size or get more defined



It's all pretty easy man. PM me if you want more details. I could help anybody have a great build if they're willing to do what I tell them and willing to work out with furious intensity

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yeah, i can picture exactly what your idea of "fun in the gym" looks like. :rolleyes: you're probably one of those people who block benches in between sets to talk on your cell phone, stand in the way because you need to flex and look at the "pump" of your biceps every 5 seconds and high-five you frat buddies in a loud obnoxious manner. :rolleyes:




What in the world? No, not at all man




I hate the people who do things like that

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I have had a few one night stands and been offered many more. They just don't do much for me




The problem is I feel very uncomfortable talking to girls in real life when I'm not drunk :(


No worries. I found the statement odd, it's like someone saying they love tea, but only drink coffee.

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I'm still in college, I'm graduating in 2 months and then I will make good money after that hopefully



In terms of working out. My lifestyle really is pretty low maintenance. I go to the gym about 6-10 hours a week - usually around 7-8 (only more if I pig out and eat a lot of food during a certain day)



I know exactly the calories of everything so I just make sure my daily consumption fits into what calorie number I'm trying to reach for the day depending on whether I'm trying to add size or get more defined



It's all pretty easy man. PM me if you want more details. I could help anybody have a great build if they're willing to do what I tell them and willing to work out with furious intensity

:laugh: if that poster is who I think it is, I doubt he's going to need any...

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I lift weights myself 5-6 hours a week and while I am in good shape and my core is strong, I'm not as defined as you. I used to be bigger than you (but not as defined) before, and remember that my work outs were also high intensity yet still took 2-3 hours every workout day.


I'll admit that even during my fitness pique i've never been one to count calories. I actually think the biggest challenge when weight lifting as a hobby is finding enough calories to eat ,rather than too many, depending on your goals.


Regardless, I'd rather eat what I like (within reason) than live off faggy boring foods like chicken breast, who cares what women think.

Especially when so many of them let themselves go.

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I lift weights myself 5-6 hours a week and while I am in good shape and my core is strong, I'm not as defined as you. I used to be bigger than you (but not as defined) before, and remember that my work outs were also high intensity yet still took 2-3 hours every workout day.


I'll admit that even during my fitness pique i've never been one to count calories. I actually think the biggest challenge when weight lifting as a hobby is finding enough calories to eat ,rather than too many, depending on your goals.


Regardless, I'd rather eat what I like (within reason) than live off faggy boring foods like chicken breast, who cares what women think.




I actually eat whatever I want. The reason I'm very toned is because I have a 2 month period every year where I shed of all the fat by eating extremely low calories (around 1500-2000 calories a day)



Anybody can get ripped if you can restrict your calories enough

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I have pretty low bodyfat naturally, I think it's different for everyone. If I were to eat 1500 calories a day all the time, which happens sometimes even now due to my lack of time between work and school, i'd lose muscle along with fat.


Like I said, I'm not telling people to become fat or atrophy in weakness. The human body is made to stay active and lift heavy things. What I'm saying however is that for most people, achieving a truly perfect physique takes a lot more work than you ought to spend. I mean even 8-9 hours a week, if you take into consideration 2-3 off-days, is still 2 hours a day spent working out. And that's if you have great genetics, for the majority of people it would take more than that to have the body of Christian Bale.

Balance is key. There is a stereotype about bulked up guys who are always at the gym , and the stereotype is there for a reason. Better to balance and spread your time out strengthening body, mind and spirit to achieve true perfection, something the gym people, chess nerds, and fist-pumping guidos all lack.


Of course, only the physical will get you chicks. But I think a real man should seek to master an area of knowledge, or an instrument or a craft, rather than do something obsessively to get chicks or get validation, such as hoarding money or trying to be the most muscular guy in the room that gets all the female attention.




Again, I still disagree with your points. Work out with me for a year and do what I tell you to do in terms of your calorie consumption daily and you will look similar to me. It's not that hard if you just do things efficiently




As far as your other point, I have a wide range of interests. Working out is just one of them.

Edited by HallowedBeThyName
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I think the reason Kaylan thinks you can get huge pecs and a six pack by working out 3 hours a week is due to the fact that Silverbacks build muscle easier than humans. All the exercises he and his assdaddy do with his rectum also help strengthen the core, he is working out a lot more than 3 hours a week he just doesn't realize it.

I don't get why you dislike him that much, he does make good posts, as do you. Going by the way you can both be very cutting in your remarks, you're probably more similar in that regard than you aren't :laugh:.


Well, outside of that.....what's been new in your life?

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Whelp, since I'm bored, I managed to go skim through the first 10 pages of this thread without successfully gouging my eyes out.


I think to answer the overall OP question, it's really dumb to generalize on which gender has to put in the least/most effort.


Those who want to spend the time, resources and effort will do so with the understanding they do it for their benefit. Those that don't want to, make do with what they have and understand that someone loves them for them being themselves.

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No, most of them have a similar build to yours.



Sorry to break it to you HBTN, but spending most of your time trying to look like a hollywood star is pretty effeminate, it shows an obsession with your celebrity status and an unhealthy obsession with wanting to be accepted. A fit , athletic body is vital for men I agree, but you are taking it to another level.


In all likelihood, you are a fake. I think it's quite interesting how all the "i dont care about looks" women like Verhrzn have been giving you so much attention and trying to be "flirty" (I can even see V putting some "game" across). I bet if you were some nerd she would pay for your plain ticket just to have a no strings attached rump, no matter how much she denies. All women are the same.


I agree to absolutely everything you said in this post. Including that all women are like this. But I don't blame them. A hot bod like that is hard to find these days.


A relationship guy whose never been in a relationship. :laugh:


I laughed out loud at this one too.

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I agree to absolutely everything you said in this post. Including that all women are like this. But I don't blame them. A hot bod like that is hard to find these days.




I don't agree with any of that. I work out cause I really enjoy it. My actual diet/lifestyle is not that complicated/high maintenance as people think




I hate when people judge me for my appearance. I'm not a mindless jock and I am not self obsessed. I'm just a regular guy who enjoys working out :(:(

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Give me a break. This reminds me a lot of all the women who say "I dress in mini skirts, v necks and fishnets for me, not for male attention", people outwardly agree but nobody actually believes it.


There is a reason why more men are willing to dedicate countless hours to the gym instead of Physics or learning a new language. Quim is the exponential factor.



I don't workout countless hours though. Most weeks I'm about 7 hours - which is a 90 minute workout 5 days. This is only because I enjoy it, I could have the same results with 4 or 5 hours of working a week if I wanted to



My diet is very simple, I have a certain number everyday that I want to hit based on whether I'm trying to add size or get more defined and I can eat whatever I want to get to that number. I know the calories of everything so it's pretty easy in that regard. None of my friends or family think I'm high maintenance at all. I drink beer and eat pizza with my buddies when we hung out



As far as your comments about physics or new language. I spend a lot of time discovering new music and I watch a lot of history, discovery and animal planet. Does that count?

Edited by HallowedBeThyName
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I don't agree with any of that. I work out cause I really enjoy it. My actual diet/lifestyle is not that complicated/high maintenance as people think




I hate when people judge me for my appearance. I'm not a mindless jock and I am not self obsessed. I'm just a regular guy who enjoys working out :(:(


Who's playing the victim now?

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Who's playing the victim now?



Okay, let's do quick recap here



I'm getting attacked for how I look/my lifestyle when I've done and said nothing to support that



You get attacked for being a gold digger because you already admitted you're not interested in a man unless he's in the top 0.00000000000000000001% of the country in income



If you don't notice the giant glaring difference there, I suggest you go back to elementary school

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Okay, let's do quick recap here



I'm getting attacked for how I look/my lifestyle when I've done and said nothing to support that



You get attacked for being a gold digger because you already admitted you're not interested in a man unless he's in the top 0.00000000000000000001% of the country in income



If you don't notice the giant glaring difference there, I suggest you go back to elementary school






Please. Continue!

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Crabs in the barrel thinking.... When someone gets too successful, pull him back down.


Not sure what TWBD did to deserve scorn. What's wrong with putting in the effort to look good?

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Crabs in the barrel thinking.... When someone gets too successful, pull him back down.


Not sure what TWBD did to deserve scorn. What's wrong with putting in the effort to look good?



I guess it's because I look like a dumb frat boy and I'm really not. Hell I was a fat nerd just a few years ago. Thank god I discovered bodybuilding because I would have never gotten anywhere if I didn't. I would have gotten more and more fat




I only posted my pictures to prove a point that I think looks are a little overrated for men. I know guys who are in their 40s, chubby and balding who have 10 times the success with women that I have. I wasn't trying to attract attention towards how I look

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Obsession with status and looks has always been a trait of women. Men have traditionally been too busy discovering the laws of gravity, inventing the first programmable computer, making beautiful music or testing out the first airplane.


Putting all your effort into looking as perfect as possible is pathetic in women, it deserves much more scorn in men. Mr Hallowed Be Thy Name wants to play it off and say he's not like that, but he is.



I keep saying this and you don't believe me. I don't look "perfect" because I put in a lot of effort. I look that way because I workout and diet very efficiently and because, quite honestly, I was gifted with great genetics (which I'm very grateful for)

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In all likelihood, you are a fake. I think it's quite interesting how all the "i dont care about looks" women like Verhrzn have been giving you so much attention and trying to be "flirty" (I can even see V putting some "game" across). I bet if you were some nerd she would pay for your plain ticket just to have a no strings attached rump, no matter how much she denies. All women are the same.


.... What freaking thread are you reading?? Is saying "I would totally run in the other direction" considered flirting now-a-days? I hate buff guys. I would never date, heck I wouldn't even have sex with, a gym rat, or a bro. Seriously, you're being quite a bit delusional.

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.... What freaking thread are you reading?? Is saying "I would totally run in the other direction" considered flirting now-a-days? I hate buff guys. I would never date, heck I wouldn't even have sex with, a gym rat, or a bro. Seriously, you're being quite a bit delusional.



Why would you hate somebody just for looking good? I must admit this is a little baffling to me. I have a good number of friends who are all very buff and very good looking and most of them are very nice and down to earth




Guys who work out aren't hugely different than the rest of the population. Go on bodybuilding.com and you have subsections for things like music, technology, religion and politics, video games, etc... We're just regular people who like to look good and be strong




If you're gonna hate people, hate them for a legitimate reason - like they're insensitive, stupid, intolerant, racist, etc...

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