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Is dating for women 100% easier? Are men expendable to women?

Caius Ballad

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Some of you guys and gals really need to get off the internet. After ten million posts, you've accelerated your fantasies into actually believing you can read minds and the like.... even believing you're intelligent.


There are few things sadder in my book.

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Are you serious guy? Are you one of those dudes who thinks the average woman gets hit on by at least 12 guys a day?


I can assure you the average woman considers it a joy to meet a dozen guys a year. Women do not get hit on all the time. The number of women who get hit on at least 12 times a month is less than 5% of the female population. And even then the number decreases when her looks fade as she passes 30.


I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn't talking about how many times a woman gets hit on or how many men approach the average woman.


I was saying that women sometimes have a hard time meeting someone they feel a strong attraction for. They could meet 10 guys, whether it be in a 2 month span or a 2 year span, and not feel very attracted to any of them.

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For all the guys who think women have it so easy in dating...


...imagine if you find that most women you try to date only want you to spend money on them and will never have sex with you, kiss you, commit to you, or even respect you.


Imagine if you're stuck between choosing a woman you don't find physically attractive, but she'll commit to you and love you...versus any "hot" looking woman who will only use/abuse you.



This is what women go through. Think about how many women meet men, go on dates, she wants a relationship, but finds out he wants to remain single and only "have fun". He'll easily have sex with her, but won't marry her or commit even.


Of course we've all seen women complain how all the hot guys are jerks, the nice guys are ugly, and the hot/nice guys are gay.



This is why I'll never think women have the advantage...but in some sick way we're all on an even playing field. If you don't believe me, look at how many women out there feel they "worked hard" to be successful and physically appealing...but find out their only choices are sex with the hot/successful guys, or commitment to an ugly loser they don't find attractive.


Now think about how we men worry about fat women, women who want a meal ticket, airheads, single moms with loads of drama, etc.


The grass seems evenly green on either side of the fence.


This is complete BS man.


Women regularly reject men who are similar looking enough to them to be their brother.


Happens all the time and women, if you search your recent past, you will know it to be true.

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I agree with this. That's why I always say this and other boards are the best way to get the unfiltered truth out of men because they are anonymous.


And what are the findings? :rolleyes: All men judge women on youth and looks and would love to live the playboy lifestyle. :rolleyes:


I don't know I think a lot of times you get more bitterness, venting, and broad generalizations from people in a place like this that may not reflect their overall outlook on days when they are not frustrated about dating and love.

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This is complete BS man.


Women regularly reject men who are similar looking enough to them to be their brother.


Happens all the time and women, if you search your recent past, you will know it to be true.


It's not BS.


I wish more men could figure out that women are not exactly like they are. It takes more than just looks for a woman to feel strong chemistry for a man.

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it's actually worse than that because all guys would love to date the hottest girl they can get. yeah, they will settle for you if they can't get what they really want :rolleyes: but believe me if man had their pick, they would not even settle down. they would just bang a harem of the hottest women and live the pump and dump lifestyle.


men always claim that they created civilization but in reality their behavior is just that of a primitive monkey.


I don't know. I think once you have lived the "pump and dump lifestyle" it gets old quick no matter how physically attractive the women are. I may have wanted that before I was ever in a serious long term relationship but now I would consider that as like a consolation prize to take if it turns out there really isn't love out there for me. Yea I still see beautiful women and want to have sex with them but I noticed recently when you really like someone it reigns in that desire and focuses it on just that woman even if she isn't as physically attractive as some of the other women you see out and about.

Basically love > sex drive but maybe that is just me because I do have friends that still cheat even when they claim they love the woman they are with.

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Negative Nancy
I do have friends that still cheat even when they claim they love the woman they are with.


yeah, see :rolleyes:

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And you wouldn't be likely to tell me how I need to be respectful. Since I live in Texas and it is legal to walk around with my Glock 9mm in public.


And honestly, I'm not very respectful and generally show my feelings of superiority alot. But since you know so my life's story based on my posts on this forum, who am I to argue otherwise?:rolleyes:


And the fact that you've been hanging out on a dating forum since 2004, during the first Bush administration, reveals you have been having dating problems for almost 8 yrs, am I right?


Yeah sure. Whatever.


This isn't the real you coming out? Full of rage and spite. Fantasies of violence and domination. Open disrespect towards people here and in real life, which you're proud of.


I'm not on the site because I have dating issues. I'm here to be entertained and interact with people I like. And also some I don't find likable when I have a point I want to make. I also give advice to people sometimes. And that's more than I think I'm accountable to you for.

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Oxy Moronovich
See what? That some people cheat and some don't?

No, she was saying, "See me use the :rolleyes: emoticon?" It's the only way she knows how to respond on this forum. If the mods took away the :rolleyes: emoticon she'd stop posting because her sole form of communication has been severed. If the mods took away everything else and only left the :rolleyes: emoticon she'd be perfectly content with that.

This isn't the real you coming out? Full of rage and spite. Fantasies of violence and domination. Open disrespect towards people here and in real life, which you're proud of.

How is it possible to live in an unjust world without rage and spit? True. I do have fantasies of violence and domination. But that's just it. They are fantasies. Everyone has fantasies. If you googled, "female sexual fantasies" you might come to a site listing fantasies women have professed to having. Many women fantasize about being gang-raped. So I guess that says a lot about how women secretly desire to be gang-raped, huh?


I'm not on the site because I have dating issues. I'm here to be entertained and interact with people I like. And also some I don't find likable when I have a point I want to make. I also give advice to people sometimes. And that's more than I think I'm accountable to you for.

I love it when people say, "I'm here to interact with my friends" when they rationalize why they spend years on a website with people they've never met and will never meet. That just says reality for them is in the crapper. People may claim they can gain knowledge of me from the quality of my posts. But I can gain knowledge of others from the quantity of their posts.

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From what I've noticed, dating for women is very feast or famine



for the 5-10% of women that are very attractive, dating is a complete cakewalk. For the average and especially overweight/below average women, dating can be very difficult



To make a baseball analogy, it's the equivalent of a baseball hitter who can hit a 500 foot homerun but then also strikeout half his at bats

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I love it when people say, "I'm here to interact with my friends" when they rationalize why they spend years on a website with people they've never met and will never meet. That just says reality for them is in the crapper. People may claim they can gain knowledge of me from the quality of my posts. But I can gain knowledge of others from the quantity of their posts.


I love it when people say, "you've been on here a long time and you have posted a lot, so that means you're a LOOOOSER!" It makes me laugh to see that put in place of what could have been an interesting point.


I post 4.5 times a day. You post 4.1. How long does it take to write a post? 5 minutes on average? That's 20, maybe 30 minutes? Maybe another 20 minutes or so reading posts. Yeah, you can really conclude a lot about someone's character based on that.


If you read the content of the posts, though, you can see there is a lot more to think about there. My 4.5 posts a day are mostly just kidding around or continuing a discussion from before. Your 4.1 posts a day are mostly crapping on women and arguing.


I am perfectly free to post in a way that guarantees people won't like me, but I don't. I choose not to. You are perfectly free to post in a way that gets people to like you, but you can't. It's not something you can control.


So, yeah, I think I'm proving that you can get a lot more insight into someone's character based on what they say in their posts, not how often they post or how long they have been on the site.

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It's not BS.


I wish more men could figure out that women are not exactly like they are. It takes more than just looks for a woman to feel strong chemistry for a man.


Many bad factors can be ignored, if the guy is good looking enough.


I have seen a guy with a pile of a **** personality get girls drolling over him because he´s good looking, they don´t care that he has a lame personality.

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Many bad factors can be ignored, if the guy is good looking enough.


I have seen a guy with a pile of a **** personality get girls drolling over him because he´s good looking, they don´t care that he has a lame personality.


How do you explain the fat guys or the guys who aren't that great looking that have plenty of attention from women or a beutiful woman on their side?

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How do you explain the fat guys or the guys who aren't that great looking that have plenty of attention from women or a beutiful woman on their side?

I don't know any fat guy who does well with gals, the only guys who do well that I know are good looking (exspect 1.), he has an outstanding personality and slightly above average. It explaines it self, she is physically attracted to him, average guy and an hot chick does not often happen, we guys are not good at judging our gender attractivess in the eyes of women.

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How do you explain the fat guys or the guys who aren't that great looking that have plenty of attention from women or a beutiful woman on their side?


Wild guess: money. :D

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Many bad factors can be ignored, if the guy is good looking enough.


I have seen a guy with a pile of a **** personality get girls drolling over him because he´s good looking, they don´t care that he has a lame personality.


Really? I always thought looks were not as important to women. Doesn't financial security usually trump looks?

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I agree with this. That's why I always say this and other boards are the best way to get the unfiltered truth out of men because they are anonymous.


And what are the findings? :rolleyes: All men judge women on youth and looks and would love to live the playboy lifestyle. :rolleyes:


You're as bad as the Lovable Losers and the Bitter Boys on here. Why the bad attitude? You're not able to get what you want from your relationships with men?

Edited by Imajerk17
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Average men don't have a bunch of a options. Average women do.


It may be hard for a woman to find the right guy, but at least they a lot of men to choose from. Most average guys have a hard time finding any woman interested in him, period.


Completely disagree - average men can have a ton of options. Men have the luxury of getting dates based on their personality - if they're average, but have a great personality, they can have women lining up out the door.


These types of posts are ridiculous - they are generally written by guys, saying that they have it tough, and essentially imply that dating is easier for women, when what is really being said is that it's easier for women to get sex. In the end, though, women view sex as different than men - consequently, for women to get the equivalent of sex for a guy is very hard...no easier than an average guy getting what he wants.


When all is said and done - most relationships are one guy and one woman...the odds are essentially the same. Moreover, women frequently put themselves in a "submissive" role... I hate that, but a lot of women do, which means that any guy who's agressive basically gets what he wants...

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Completely disagree - average men can have a ton of options. Men have the luxury of getting dates based on their personality - if they're average, but have a great personality, they can have women lining up out the door.


These types of posts are ridiculous - they are generally written by guys, saying that they have it tough, and essentially imply that dating is easier for women, when what is really being said is that it's easier for women to get sex. In the end, though, women view sex as different than men - consequently, for women to get the equivalent of sex for a guy is very hard...no easier than an average guy getting what he wants.


When all is said and done - most relationships are one guy and one woman...the odds are essentially the same. Moreover, women frequently put themselves in a "submissive" role... I hate that, but a lot of women do, which means that any guy who's agressive basically gets what he wants...


Women have two things to worry about. Fatness and how much they look like a dude. Obviously not much is being done on their parts to fix those. Exercise, eat right, get rid of those irish unibrows and whatever. Are you saying it isn't harder on the men that they have a bunch of depressed she-men running around them? Seriously?

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Completely disagree - average men can have a ton of options. Men have the luxury of getting dates based on their personality - if they're average, but have a great personality, they can have women lining up out the door.


These types of posts are ridiculous - they are generally written by guys, saying that they have it tough, and essentially imply that dating is easier for women, when what is really being said is that it's easier for women to get sex. In the end, though, women view sex as different than men - consequently, for women to get the equivalent of sex for a guy is very hard...no easier than an average guy getting what he wants.


When all is said and done - most relationships are one guy and one woman...the odds are essentially the same. Moreover, women frequently put themselves in a "submissive" role... I hate that, but a lot of women do, which means that any guy who's agressive basically gets what he wants...




My problem with women complaining about the dating game though is that the standards they have to reach are very very low



If you're a woman with a decent face and a great body, you can have men lined up to date you with no questions asked. Getting a great body is easy too - 6 - 8 months of working out with squats and deadlifts, monitoring your calories, etc... Any woman can get a fantastic body with a little hard work. For a man to be desirable, he has to look good, have a good personality, make money, be a certain height, have status etc... On top of all that, he has to do all the work in approaching and winning women over.



I'm not saying that women find it any easier to get what they want than men do, but they certainly do have much easier time being attractive to the opposite sex

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Really? I always thought looks were not as important to women. Doesn't financial security usually trump looks?

If you are hot, women will have sex with you. But for long term relationship, women want a good work horse whom she can use to provide for her for the rest of her life.


So in my opinion better be a hot guy.

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Women definitely don't want to "settle" for their equals.

That's all that needs to be said.


Women only want men that they perceive to be better than she is. And everybody is fine with that.


When a guy wants a woman who is his equal, everybody calls him shallow :rolleyes:

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When a guy wants a woman who is his equal, everybody calls him shallow :rolleyes:

Stop thinking you are perfection personified.

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