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Are guys ALWAYS this frustrating and stupid?!?!?!

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I'm having some problems with one of my best friends... he and I have been close for about six months and now I don't know what to do!!!


My friend, we'll call him Henry, is my friendship soul mate. We had such a solid friendship, we got to the point where we knew each others thoughts... it was great. I had been in need of a friendship like that for a while, and God finally gave it to me. He's always had a little bit of a crush on me, and I never really thought that would play into our friendship, but I'm beginning to think otherwise...


I told Henry that I was falling for someone else. At first he kinda freaked a bit, then he accepted it and calmed down. Things were fine between us. Then he decided to move away at the end of the summer, right before my birthday! I've been trying to accept it, but hearing that your best friend is leaving just isn't something you want to accept. Over the past two weeks, he's distanced himself from me, he won't call, text or even talk to me online. He has also developed this "I'm better than the world" attitude, he's treating me like crap, and when I confronted him about it today he acted all shocked in his high and mighty way. He used the "I'm a guy" excuse... how lame is that? I don't know what he's trying to pull here, and I really don't know what to do about it.


I should also add that this high and mighty attitude of his kicked into high gear Friday night... that was the first time I went anywhere with the guy I like. He and I went bowling with some other friends, and when we walked through the alley doors, Henry was the first person I saw, and I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face. Maybe this has something to do with his recent attitude and actions, but I really don't know.


I'll be seeing him tomorrow, so if anyone has any suggestions on what I can do to bring him back to normal, please let me know! I'm already losing him in August, it would kill me inside if I lost him earlier...

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Obviously he is jealous. Your friendship will not work if it is one sided. He need to accept it or lose your friendship.


I know it's hard, but what is harder is being with someone you're not into, and that would be the case with you two.


I'm sorry but I don't know what to say about bringing him back. Try to talk to him, and listen to what he has to say.


when we walked through the alley doors, Henry was the first person I saw, and I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face.


Did he know you were going there? If he did, then, sorry but he knew he was going to see you two, knew he'd be jealous.


Maybe tell him that you love him, but only as a friend and isn't that better than nothing at all?

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Yes, supermom, he knew we were both going to be there. I'm not sure if he knew we were going to come together though. He even approached me in the alley asking me if I had told him, him being the guy I came with, how I felt and when I answered no he got frustrated and told me that I had the entire car ride over there to tell him, and asked me how much more time I was going to need. But, I think you're dead on with the jealousy thing, it makes a lot of sense. I haven't dealt with many guys showing me their jealous side in the past, so this is all kind of new territory for me.

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