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Could she be interested? Or am I reading too much into it?

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So last night, I went out to a bar with a few of my buddies, and I saw this girl from high school that I haven't seen in like 5 years. She was with her friends, who I also know from h.s. Anyways, I always liked this girl, and back in h.s. we weren't like close friends, but we did talk on occasion.


So back to last night. So I obviously recognize her, say hi, and flirt and whatnot. Things seemed to go well, you know I was making her laugh and all that stuff. During the conversation however, she asked me if I had a girlfriend, which I found a bit strange. Also, towards the end of the night she asked me for my number, which I did give to her, and I also got hers. After that she kinda went somewhere else while I started to talk to her friends for a bit, who I also knew from high school. At the end of the night I saw her and her friends outside, and said my goodbyes. I ended up texting her like 20 minutes later saying it was good to see her and we'll have to do it again, to which she replied "sounds good!", and then there were a couple more texts I sent, but she replied with like one or two word answers, but I don't think that means anything.


So anyway, what I'm wondering, based on how our convo went and her asking me for my number, does it seem she could be interested? I mean like I said I know her from high school, so she could just want to catch up, but we were never like close friends and I didn't even have her number back then, which makes it seem a bit strange.

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She could be...but just go with the flow. Ask her to meet again someplace to talk. With a little more time together you'll be able to tell if she has genuine interest in you. Good luck!

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Girl you knew from high school and liked but you didn't exist in her world back then, at least as far as you knew.


Asks if you have a girlfriend


Asks for your number


Analysis based on wrote repetition: It was a moment at a bar. Inhibitions were reduced. She knew you liked her in high school (surprise? Not). She fed that with the lubrication of emotionally loaded words like 'girlfriend' and 'number'.


You could be looking at the future matriarch of your grandchildren, but I doubt it.

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