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Wrongfully accused of cheating... HELP!

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Hi there,


I have a dilemna. I have a girlfriend who you could say is quite jealous of other girls. Recently she found a condom wrapper under my bed while cleaning my room. The thing is is that it was not from me. I am living in a room at a family member's house that had been a guest room before I lived there. Although I have lived in this room for a year now I never cleaned up the condom wrapper for whatever reason. So what it comes down to is that I am completely innocent and My girl thinks I am lying. I have no way of proving my innocence. I need some suggestiond from both males and females. Thanks for your time.

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Try asking her if she remembers the wrapper being covered in dust (an awful amount of it) when she picked it up.


Of course to make your story sound possible, you must have never cleaned the floor under your bed since you moved in the apartment.


If you swept/cleaned under the bed and left the wrapper there, it will be very hard for anyone to believe you.


If any of your common friends knew abut the condom wrapper it could help.

Do you remember having ever mentioned to anyone that there is a condom wrapper under your bed?


Could the owner of the house tell her you never brought ladies in your bedroom?

(I don't know if she would believe a family member though)


If you really didn't cheat on her, the best of luck to you. Please post again to tell if things went okay.

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Oh wow!! All I would say to do is try your hardest to prove your point, that its not yours..(which could be very hard)..Ask her why she don't trust ya enough to know better, maybe? Good Luck

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Hey, I have been in the same boat. I actually DID cheat on my now boyfriend one time, but somehow (because he is a wonderful person) forgave me for it, despite the fact that I even lied about it. I'm not that same person, now. Anyway, he had a right to be suspicious when I spilled yogurt on

my black jacket and couldn't get it out. We devised a method to test the yogurt sample together, and he found out that it was just that: yogurt.

I know that it is not exactly the same situation, and this might even be really gross, but if you could compare your size :o to that of the condom wrapper, it may be different. That would help to prove you to be in the right.

If you are not willing to go that far, and trust me, I would not blame you as I am only offering suggestions, all you can do is keep reiterating that you didn't cheat.

Have you done anything to merrit her jealousy in the past? Flirted with other girls, been caught in a questionable situation where you had to talk your way out?

If so, there is little chance that she will believe you.

Good luck!

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