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how do i respond to this?


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I met a guy that lives a few minutes away from me. I think he's a great guy and I would not be against dating him if he were to ask me out. One of my closest friends is like his sister to him and so it is convenient because we have mutual friends. I wasn't really paying much attention to it but when I met him she and her friend were trying to set the two of us up. I am very clueless when it comes to men. She always tells me that I am supposed to play hard to get, but I don't like playing games, so I am just confused to what I am supposed to do. And since she was trying to set us up I am even more confused. He and I, we both have weird jobs and our hours are weird. We both have high-stress level jobs. I don't know how I am supposed to play this.

What am I supposed to do with this? My friends keep trying to set me up and I don't' know what or how I am supposed to respond? I like this guy. I think he's a nice guy. I wouldn't mind if he were to ask me out but I don't know what he's thinking! What am I supposed to do with this?

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