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move on?


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i recently saw the man that i used to be involved with. we stopped stating because of miscommunication and never really being able to discuss our feelings and expectations of each other. upon first meeting him i didn't even like him, now i am in love with him. this has been going on for three years on and off. he has told me before that he loves me and in my heart i really believe that he does. all of my friends and his continuously can tell that we can't stay away from each other. he also makes the other portion of my life complete. the last time i saw him he asked me why do we keep finding our way back to each other and i had no answer. should i block him out of my mind and move on?

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No, I guess it's a reason for you guys to keep meeting up and you both have feelings for one another. I say to sit down and talk, try to work it out and just discuss how you guys feel and what you want from one another.

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Ms V. never block out the passed. your response of (i dont't know) when he asked why to we find our way back to each other was a true response. maybe your done with him?


if you were true in your feelings for him and it sounds you are, this was a good learning phase in your life. maybe your ready to move on and you just realized it. being or feeling complete takes a life time i just when through the same thing,,, not the some kind of relationship... i to am moving on and for me its very painful. but i'll make it through.. each day thinking i love someone enough for me wanting them to be happy and them wanting me to happy even if things didn't workout. funny isn't it.. we can wait to grow up and leave home to find that there's more pain with being an adult. god bless

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