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A new situation ??

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I posted this some time ago. Well .. things went a bit different. We had a fight .. we stopped talking. She was the one that started again to talk with me after 2 weeks. We chatted .. we met like only once .. still .. normal things. But it was in April 24th when we had a major fight. She accused me that I still like her and so and we can't get this "friendship" and that I am a bit immature and I need to be a bit more bad boy style. I got mad and told her that I don't like her anymore and all of that .. that it is all in her mind. ( Even if I liked her a little bit ). She told me that she wont talk with me again and so. After 2 weeks, I get a text from her "How you do?". In the meantime ... I went on with my life, having fun with other girls and so, changed my hairstyle, bought new clothes etc .. changed a bit my way of acting and such.

She might have been impressed by this. We started to talk .. a bit more platonic this time and not everyday .. it was like at 3-4 days and she was everytime the one that started them. What I see is that she is having a strange attitude. She started giving me facebook photo likes .. even if she said she never gives to boys .. she keeps putting that "<3" almost in every conversation .. she tells me that if we can kiss each other and again that heart. She tells me if we can see each other. She talks very strange. For example: We talked monday .. she told me 'who's birthday is on friday" (it is hers) .. I told her 'A special person' .. she told me 'For you?' .. I told her 'No, for everyone' .. she told me 'I know it is only for you, don't lie' and she gave me a <3. And many more things like this. It kinda makes me to question her acting. I sense something in all of this. She acts like a puppy. Maybe she started to feel something ? She changed too fast though. And I was having some good time with another girl lol.


You can easily answer this if you have read what I wrote on the link. I need some advice. It is not that I am in love with this girl or so .. but I just want to know your humble opinion about this situation. I still consider her .. but I don't prioritize her.

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It looks like she only calls you when she's lonely. And she knows you'l come running.


Because when you want something more...


She will always turn around and say "I'm not ready for a relationship I only want friendship"


So what's the point of you withdrawing from her each time?


Don't trust in little false unsaid hopes about this.


Unless she clearly communicates with you honestly why she wants to get in touch again. You need to know for yourself: is it for friendship or more?


If it's friendship, don't indulge her and get on with your life.


Because real friends don't do this. And real lovers don't either.

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Like I said, I am a bit suspicious. You cannot know exactly what her ideas really are. I talked with her last night .. she told me that we should see each other on Sunday and thanked me for being alongside her and that she didn't expected this .. and again with all those kisses and hearts. All of this doesn't come from me .. these emotions and so .. but from her. I will meet with her and we will talk more about this. I will get her a present too .. because today is her birthday though .. can't be that a douche .. :laugh:


I take this with a bit of salt though. I am not rushing with those hopes of I don't know what new love story will happen or such. Its just .. I never experienced this attitude from her. We shall see. I will say here. Any more views on this ?

Edited by Jonn60
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