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Are there any other males that are strong enough to admit you have been raped.


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when i was 13 i was raped by a neighbors brother. i held it in for 8 years. i am just starting therapy for it now but it doesnt seem like enough i need to talk to people who can relate to me. the ptsd and flashbacks are terrifying.

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Sorry that happened to you. I think men don't report it because men laugh at other men who have been through that. But I don't think people would laugh at you. You were a child. Hopefully society gets to a point where people don't laugh at grown men either. In order for that to happen there have to be some awareness programs. There are not even domestic violence shelters for men that I know of.

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I'm very sorry to hear that, and I commend you for taking the step to talk about it. The more male survivors that come out and speak up, the more awareness we will have in the community. The unity and power of the sandusky's survivors' voices are what got justice.


I hope you're in a support group (like afterthesilence). Support groups and online forums for rape/sexual abuse survivors can help fill in the gap between therapy sessions.


Sending positive energy and thoughts your way.

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I am so sorry you went through that. My fiance was sexually abused for a number of years by a male figure in his life. This man was a trusted figure in his life and he lavished my finance with gifts and trips (similar to the Standusky case). He has gone through a lot of mental therapy as well as professional therapy to work through it and has counseled others in their abuse.


I know for him, being able to testify against him and help put him in jail went a long way in his recovery.


Please know it is NOT your fault and you didn't do anything to deserve it. If you can get professional help it may prove to be very helpful for you.


I am so sorry. . .

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