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what to do about sitting together

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Yesterday,on my break at work,I was sitting down talking with my friend,like I normally do.As we were talking we were looking at each others things we bought from the store. As I looked back I saw that manager that I dont like peeking through the plants at us, as we were talking.I dont understand why she was doing this.Now Im afraid to sit with my friend cause she will be peeking,giving us weird looks.I dont know what her problem is but this was the first time,I saw her sneaking behind the plants peeking at us.She is always giving weird looks to me but that was the first time she had ever peeked directly to the both of us.She is really annoying me.



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Does your franchise have a human resources guy?


I think nothing's worse than when the person you're complaing about is the person you've got to complain to. Is there anyone higher than this guy?

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Next time you see her, ask her if she'd like to join you or start a conversation with her. That should make her feel a little dumb for being caught spying behind the bushes.


Is it the same woman who you posted about who found out you talked behind her back? She must be trying to hear you say something else. Try to avoid any gossip about the people at work, period.

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You are allowed to talk to your friends and to sit with them. Don't let this wierdo put you off. Of course, don't gossip, and particularly don't gossip about that manager, but otherwise do what you would usually do.


Others will notice if she's actually hiding behind plants and doing other wierd things.

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average guy

If your manager is spying on you during your break, she is definately out of line. Does your friend work there as well? If she does, I would approach her supervisor together and tell them what has been happening. You should not feel like you can't talk to your freinds during your break at work. Maybe you could go for a walk or something to get away from her.


Good luck :)

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peeking through the plants, that's quite funny.


Don't let it get to you- apparently she's got nothing better to do. next time just wave and/or ask her to join you.


You should feel flattered your break time is that interesting to her!


Did you talk to the Spanish guy- keep us updated! :)

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average guy

Maybe you could make up some wild story and then see if a rumour starts from it or if she mentions it to you (or anyone) and then you will definately know she is spying on you! :)

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oh my goodness....! Ignore this person! Whoever they are they shouldn't be butting into your business! Next time you catch this person "spying" on you simply ask "May I help you?" or some other sarcastic comment that will totally make them feel bad...I know that sounds sad...but I'm sorry...people need to stay out of other people's business!



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Is it the same woman who you posted about who found out you talked behind her back? She must be trying to hear you say something else. Try to avoid any gossip about the people at work, period.


I dont remember talking behind her back.I dont try to gossip about others unless they did it to me first.


Anyway,thanks for all the good advise everyone.I will try some of these suggestions.


I think I'll say right out loud the next time to my friend,when I catch her spying on me,I'll say,"shes looking at us" right when shes doing it so my friend will see it too and say something to her.She needs to get caught.Thats just not right,especially at work.I do try to ignore her.Sometimes she just gets to me.I think she was doing it cause she wanted me to see her and wanted me to get mad.After I saw her,I just acted like it didnt bother me at all.She never has anything better to do thats why she tries to start trouble all the time.She has always been like this.



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Next time she stares at you through the plant - - make jungle sounds. Can you make that monkey sound? Tell her she could be more inconspicuous if she had on camouflage.

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