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Women's Adavantage Over Men

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I suspect most male rants about sexually ALL-powerful Woman come from guys who resent , and have very little exposure to, real flesh and blood women.


My best guess is that they're inexperienced, young and horny. Male ranters feel sexually and socially powerless and create this caricature of Woman on whom they blame their lonely or disadvantaged state.


The more experience one has with flesh and blood women in all their human diversity the less likely one is to generalize about Woman. I find that whether its racism, anti-Semitism or any other negative Group stereotyping, the rants say much more about the ranter than the stigmatized Group.

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curly, and all u other girls.. i said ur right. do u see the title i made. its "WOMENS ADVANTAGE OVER MEN". the only adavantage we have over u is that there r so many of u out there. we can f'em and chuck em' like clock work. women do rule. that is y i get with straight sluts.


thanx for the replies. i love having a topic alot of people respond to.



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