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not quite sure here

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So a friend of mine tells me a guy she knows (who I also know) thinks I'm cute. Turns out, that same night, he im me online that night. When I tell him what my friend told me that he said, he stopped talking to me. About a day later, I im him, and he tells me he's "sorta" in a relationship. I know who my friend's boyfriend is, so I know this is not the "relationship" he's talking about. I had asked about hanging out sometime (b/c we didn't talk much in high school), but he said it was too "risky;" he was afraid of something possibly happening, such as if we kiss or something.


Then, he asked me if we could have a relationship if say, he wasn't in one (hypothetical). I said maybe...but we would have to get to know each other better. We're still friends.


Yesterday, he im me, saying he was "bored" and wanted to "make out" with someone; I think he was joking, but I'm not for certain. He hasn't seen me in like a month, so I told him about different "changes" that I have had done since I had last seen him. What I mean by that is I now a few more piercings in my ears, and I got my hair cut and highlighted, stuff like that. Well, he asked for a picture, and I showed him it.


So, I'm getting mixed signals with this guy. Any suggestions?


*note, this guy and I are both 18

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average guy

If this guy ims you "saying he was "bored" and wanted to "make out" with someone" then you need to run as fast as you can away from him! :) Find someone who wants you for who you are, not just a pastime! You're still young (turst me, 18 is young :) take it easy, give it time, and before you know it you will meet seomone who treats you with respect and worthy of your love :)


Good luck :)



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Hun...This guy just doesn't sound right to me...find someone who wants you for you....and if he does have a gf he's not being very loyal to that person...Find someone better for you!



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Thanks for the advice. Obviously, you guys got the wrong impression of this guy when I told you about the "make out" im. I think he was joking...but I thought he might me flirting with me or something (trust me, I've know him for like four years, and he's not that type of guy). I don't even remember him having a girlfriend through high school. He's kind of wacky, and he occasionally says strange things that go the wrong way.

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Don't get involved!


I reconnected w/ a guy from high school like this years ago- he had gotten my e-mail and started i.m.-ing, we exchanged pics - instant attraction, we talked and e-mailed for 2 months, he started off right away making comments like that- just as jokes- said he wasn't in a SERIOUS relationship- he came to visit- I thought we were an item- turned out he had LOTS of casual relationships w/ others.


I'd stay away...sounds risky to me.

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