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Women with gay, male friends

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Men enjoy friendships with gay men because they enjoy the company of men and are able to enjoy that company WITHOUT any sexual tension or relationship drama. They are safe.




This is the worst thing I think I've ever read on LS.


I don't agree with it. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Why do women have gay male friends? Because they are the handsome princes we have always dreamed of - handsome, wonderful, generous and tell you that you are beautiful and delightful no matter what. In some ways, it's like hanging out with other women friends.


But a word of caution to women : Don't spend all your free time with them. Otherwise the strait guys will shy away from you.

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Lots of people have friends of the opposite sex, gay people are no different.


I wouldn't think its a great conspiracy. Although it can be quite fashionable these days for girls to have a gay best friend.

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Homosexuality is a sick perversion. Period. End of story. Even for lesbos.


I see little difference between that and child molestation or beastiality. It's all weird and sick sexual perversion if you ask me.


Give Satan another 25 years on this planet and man-boy sex will be commonplace and society will accept that too.

I'm entitled to my opinion whether you agree or disagree.

How is it a sick perversion for two consenting adults to have sex?


How is that similar to child molestation or bestiality at all? You sir are a buttmunch and fail as a logical man. Child molestation and bestiality are bad because one of the parties is not a consenting adult and because the other party is abusing its power and authority.


Homosexuality on its own doesnt have any of that crap going on. Btw...your small mind should realize that most incidences of child sexual abuse and bestiality occur between the opposite sex. So your bigoted viewpoint fails.


And dont even start with your misguided crap about satan and religion. Stop being mad at the fact that even gay men can get more vagina than you. Thats truly pathetic when you think about it, but no surprise based on your personality.


Exaggerate much? Why yes you do.

Obviously I was exaggerating, but my statement still stands. Dudes whine too much here. Its really sad. Instead of bettering themselves, they want to blame everyone else for their lack of success with women, or they want to hate on anyone who does have success. Now we have OP hating on gay men of all people, for apparently getting lots of women. Funny. :laugh:

If you are a guy and you want to date a girl and it turns out she has a gay friend. Flee! Run to the hills (Iron Maiden voice).


That gay friend of hers will tear you to shreds and she will confide in it. Like another poster said, they are buddies and gives it to them straight. Unlike other friends of hers that are female, a gay male will hold nothing back and tear a potential date to shreds. Keep this in mind if you want a second date after meeting the gay friend. Avoid it!

Spoken like a truly insecure bro. If you are confident in the man you are, and get along with a chick, why would her friend have a reason to tear you to shreds unless you are a jerk?


A girl I could have dated last year had a big crush on me for the longest, and we hooked up once but I didnt take it further. Anyways, her best friend is gay but totally loves me and we get along fine...so unless you are a douche, a chicks friends arent going to hate you.

I really think girls hanging out with gays are slutty as f-.

This makes no sense. How is a girl slutty for being friends with someone who doesnt even want to sleep with her?

Honestly, I think the guys who are out banging a bunch of women are probably bisexual or so deeply in the closet that they'll probably never come out. GBF and I both know gay guys who are in relationships with women and they are deeply closeted.

You win the prize for the most illogical post of the day. In what way does promiscuity with WOMEN, make a man gay? Way to be a hater. Did it ever occur to you that plenty of men just enjoy sex with women? Seems to me you are just hating on men who like to have lots of sex with different people. I understand you may not agree with that, but dont start spouting off silly stuff like this because of it.

I can't believe how many people are so desperate that they will cling to any vestiges of straightness.

Well considering the fact that people like you even bash straight men who sleep with lots of women as being gay. And yes, calling someone something they are not, is a character attack and therefore a slam against them.


I wouldnt be surprised why some people arent thrilled about coming out. If straight men are being criticized as homosexual without even being homosexual, would actual LGBT folks be scared of what legit treatment they receive? How can you not see the irony of your post that you even asked this question?

Edited by kaylan
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Err, I am friends with gay men for the same reason I am friends with anyone.... because we enjoy each other's company, have stuff in common and support one another.


Their sexuality is part of who they are, but it's secondary to the fact that they're great people.

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Err, I am friends with gay men for the same reason I am friends with anyone.... because we enjoy each other's company, have stuff in common and support one another.




Besides, why would we orbit gay men, hoping for sex, when we can easily get sex from straight men?

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You win the prize for the most illogical post of the day. In what way does promiscuity with WOMEN, make a man gay? Way to be a hater. Did it ever occur to you that plenty of men just enjoy sex with women? Seems to me you are just hating on men who like to have lots of sex with different people. I understand you may not agree with that, but dont start spouting off silly stuff like this because of it.

Well considering the fact that people like you even bash straight men who sleep with lots of women as being gay. And yes, calling someone something they are not, is a character attack and therefore a slam against them.


I wouldnt be surprised why some people arent thrilled about coming out. If straight men are being criticized as homosexual without even being homosexual, would actual LGBT folks be scared of what legit treatment they receive? How can you not see the irony of your post that you even asked this question?



I mistyped, which I assume explains your very inflammatory response to me. I meant to type that 'gay' guys who sleep with a bunch of women, as someone mentioned in the first post, are likely bisexual or deeply closeted. We've all met them: guys who say they're gay but they've only (or mostly) slept with women, just like I've met guys who are 'straight' but they've only slept with men. Sorry, but something there is off. I'm not 'hating' on anybody, let alone gay people, but there's some obvious cognitive dissonance going on there.


If you're 'gay' but you're only sleeping with women, either you're not really gay or you're very closeted or bisexual. There are only so many options. I don't care how many people they sleep with - but I am making the point that if you have a long line of only having straight sex but you're supposedly gay, or a long line of only having gay sex but you're straight, something's up.

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I bet 90% of gay men are actually bi. I could see how being openly gay could be a chick magnet for a guy. I doubt there's such a thing as a gay man who hasn't had sex with several women by the time he started experimenting with men. It's just another sick perversion for these weirdos.


I bet these guys are stabbin more pun than a straight guy could ever dream of.


Typically, actually bi guys marry women, due to societal pressures, and many gay men claim to be bi at some point in their lives, wishing they were attracted to women. So, if they swing both ways, there's really no reason to identify as gay, which is not easy to do in the current climate.


Most gay men have sex with women first BECAUSE of the societal pressure. Many are even promiscuous and sleep with loads of them, and the prettiest they can get, like your friend. Why? Because they think they should like it, all the friends they grew up with like sex with women, and they feel conflicted and confused about their sexuality when younger. Not really that difficult to understand.


Some men, nowadays, with culture opening up a little, are gay and know it and never 'experiment' with women, but it's pretty rare for someone to do that entirely. Some guys may accept it before they ever have sex with a woman; some may think they just need to sleep with a few more girls to get their straight instincts to kick in. That's the problem with "straight" being a sort of default --- people who know they're gay may attempt to be straight, especially when young.


Err, I am friends with gay men for the same reason I am friends with anyone.... because we enjoy each other's company, have stuff in common and support one another.


Their sexuality is part of who they are, but it's secondary to the fact that they're great people.


Basically, this. All the gay men I'm friends with are just men I think are cool people. Most of my gay friends aren't people you'd look at and think, "Definitely gay." And I had no idea whether they were or weren't at first. None of them are guys I've ever really wanted to date or anything, nor do I cross any sort of boundaries with them I wouldn't with my straight male friends. I don't see gay men as essentially women, as some people seem to imply. We don't talk about 'girl stuff' really. But most of my gay male friends have the same interests as my straight male friends, etc. They just bang other dudes instead of ladies.

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I don't agree with it. But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Not if it's inflammatory, provocative, deliberately insulting and incites prejudice, they're not.

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Err, I am friends with gay men for the same reason I am friends with anyone.... because we enjoy each other's company, have stuff in common and support one another.


Their sexuality is part of who they are, but it's secondary to the fact that they're great people.




(ten ch).

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