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Should I see him before he leaves??

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I was friends with this guy from work for about a year. We then dated for about 8 months, at which time I found out he was cheating on me and I ended it. It was all very painful but we have to work together and I didn't want to lose him from my life (he is a great person, just not boyfriend material), so we decided to stay friends. It's been going okay, although I still hurt a lot from what he's done and feel terribly rejected.


Well he leaves for a 6 month overseas trip in 2 weeks and although he finishes work tomorrow, he has suggested that we meet up next week for a 'goodbye' dinner. I just don't know whether to go - it will be traumatic saying goodbye to him and I'm not sure if the intensity of my feelings will be made worse after having a one-on-one dinner with him. Part of me just wants to say, 'goodbye, have fun' tomorrow at work and walk away. Either way, I will be upset.


Do you think I should just end things quickly, or say a proper goodbye? I think I might end up going to the dinner, although it really is just putting off the inevitable and there is a risk of further heartbreak. Any advice??

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If you and this guy are friends then you may want to have the dinner and say goodbye - as it sounds like you care for him - you will be hurt when he leaves no matter what - but I wonder if you will hurt more if you do not take this chance to meet with him, and then have to live with the "What if's" for the next six months?

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