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Obsessive, Impulsive, & Fickle

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These are traits I possess.


Obsessive: When I find something I want or like I throw myself into it. Be it a hobby, work, or, in my current case, a new crush. I think about things constantly and have a very loud inner voice. Trying to not think about something is not an option for me and I want to know everything there is to know about someone or something. This works to my advantage a lot of the times and is the reason I am who I am today.


Impulsive: I'm getting better at this, but I'm normally a do first, think second kind of person. But if it's a big issue or a serious issue I always, always, think before I leap. But, still not as much as a normal person I guess and people assume that I haven't thought it through. Most of the time this is because I end up making a decision most people wouldn't so it looks like to other people that I made the wrong choice because I made it too quickly. In some cases yes, but in most cases I've made up my mind. I've weighed up the options. And this is what works for me.


Fickle: I am not really a sentimental person. I don't have any things because, well, they're just things. A waste of money or time. I keep a lot of my children drawings and a few birthday cards over the years and I have all my wedding cards and preparation stuff, but keeping all of my kids drawings, or the dress I got married in, or the thing we bought at that place went went one time, gone. Much like once I got over my last lover I was over him and didn't really have the same need or desire for him as I did previously and it happened overnight.


Add on top of that the fact that if I want something, I will get it. I do worry sometimes I am a little manipulative, but not in the sense that I lie or scheme to get what I want, but that I'll do everything I can to get either what I want, or to convince people that I should have something and to let me.


All of the things above are big reasons people like me. I am passionate, I am fiery, and I possessive. I was talking with my husband last night about how much of the above issues I need to change and how much of them I just need to learn to live with even though they can cause issues in my life.


At the end of the day if people don't like me or something I do they can tell me, leave me, or say no. At least that's the view I boil everything down and pass the fluff, insecurities, and concerns I have about my behaviour.


How do you know when a trait you possess is just something that's you and you shouldn't change and how do you know when a trait you posses is damaging?

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Mr Scorpio


How do you know when a trait you possess is just something that's you and you shouldn't change and how do you know when a trait you posses is damaging?


Follow the trail, my dear. Does a certain trait bring about behaviors which result in negative outcomes? Change it. If there are no negative outcomes, leavei it.

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