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Long distance relationship


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I am a new college student in Florida and I have been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months. He is attending school in New York. I love him to death and have promised to be faithful, but I haven't kept up my end of the bargain. I have fooled around with a few guys. I think it is because I miss the physical ascpect of the our relationship. I don't want him to find out, but I feel guilty about what I have done, but at the same time I am having fun. I am frustrated because I don't like be deprived of sexual attention. I think of my boyfriend constantly, but I feel that I am missing something. What should I do??

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YOU ASK: "I think of my boyfriend constantly, but I feel that I am missing something. What should I do??"


Doesn't sound like you're missing much to me. Long distant relationships just don't work out, especially for someone as sex charged as you.


If you really love this guy who is attending school in New York but you must remain sexually fulfilled without him knowing about it, the only thing you can do is unzip your dress and zip your lips.

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