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TOO many MEN!!

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Okay, I have another problem. I am in a relationship with a guy (it's been about 5 months, I'd known him maybe 2 yrs prior to our hook-up), he has completely fallen in love with me and is willing to do anything for me. THe problem is that I want my ex back, or at least I think I do.

Here is the other problem, there is a third guy in my life whom I have known for about 3 years, he also wants a relationship. I wouldn't mind being with him either. I am SOOO confused. This third guy has always been there for me and is a good man, however I am in limbo as to whether I should get back with my ex or try to see what a relatinship with guy number 3 will be like.

I don't want to hurt my current boyfriend, but I just don't see a future with him.

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Lotsa Men!! LOL...Do the 2nd and 3rd guy know that you have a boyfriend?? And the wanting your ex back possibly, thinking that he is your ex for a reason, was it over something bad, or just a mutual on "good terms" ending? Maybe you should outweigh the differences and go from there? Is there certain things that your boyfriend now is doing that you don't like?? That maybe could change and make things better for you and him? Or is it just one of them "i want out" kind of relationship ideas??

Hey, at least you don't have to worry about being alone!!LOL

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I wouldn't mind being with him either. I am SOOO confused


You are only confused because you have to choose. It sounds to me like you want to date a lot of guys. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you tell them you want to see other people.


You don't say how old you are but I suspect that there are many years ahead of you for settling down with one man. If you want variety it's important you get it out of your system before you commit to one person. It will happen one day, when it does there will be no confusion. Until then be careful and have fun :)

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I am 21 years old, and the thing is that I really want to settle down, that's why I want to make sure that the next man that I with is "THE ONE". I AM tired of dating and I want just one man.

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Well I'm not sure you've met your ideal man yet. There's no point staying with someone you see no future with. Relationships with an ex tend to repeat patterns of the past, although this very much depends on what the problem was and how it was resolved. You don't seem very enthralled with the idea of guy number 3 (unfortunately being "good" is not always enough). You could date him if you were single and see how things develop but it's best not to set out by investing everything in the relationship.


The best reason for settling down is that you can't imagine life without the other person. If you settle for less you may end up disappointed. I think you should either leave things as they are until you are less confused about your feelings for these men or look for someone new.

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Originally posted by Ms_Sweetness

Okay, I have another problem. I am in a relationship with a guy (it's been about 5 months, I'd known him maybe 2 yrs prior to our hook-up), he has completely fallen in love with me and is willing to do anything for me. THe problem is that I want my ex back, or at least I think I do.

Here is the other problem, there is a third guy in my life whom I have known for about 3 years, he also wants a relationship. I wouldn't mind being with him either. I am SOOO confused. This third guy has always been there for me and is a good man, however I am in limbo as to whether I should get back with my ex or try to see what a relatinship with guy number 3 will be like.

I don't want to hurt my current boyfriend, but I just don't see a future with him.


Do everyone a favor and stay single! It isn't worth hurting other people because of this confusion. These guys do not deserve this. I don't think you know what you want. Because you wouldn't have three guys you are debating over if you did.

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