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so here's the deal. i live in vancouver, a friend in San Fran Andy introduced his buddy who moved in Van several months ago to me when Andy learned that I am single again. he thought me and Rick (the friend) would make a perfect match and we'd get along blah blah blah.


we emailed for bout 2 weeks, met up (he brought me this dimsum stuff , carried it around for 2 hrs before we finally sat down for dinner, it was thoughtful of him to put the food in the cooler bag and sandwiched with ice packs.. he went through all the trouble only because i asked him once in our emails where i can get that kinda food in town and he had his friend made them ) i was impressed. he told me he'd bring me another food i mentioned next time. what a nice guy.E


that night, i told Andy we met, he asked me if i had any good feelings for RIck and if i see further development. i didnt think me and Rick could go beyond being good friends but when i woke up the nexst morning, i started to wonder what'd be like to DATE RICK. .


our conversation was effortless, tons of laughters.. it has beens since we started emailing, the connection ramained in real life too.. we're gonna meet again in a few days (i offered to return the bag since i know he'd be in the neighborhood tha tday). he's not making much effort to initiate contact but when i did, he shows he's very interested.. so.... what's going on, any ideas guys?

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