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how to not forget about me?

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Send him a letter, or keep calling him. I know this sounds kinda girly, but send him something equal to a flower or something.


It also depends on how close you are to your boyfriend. Do you you think is right.

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Everynow and then send him something super sweet and he'll know how much you care, which will make him think about you that much more. My friend's boyfriend sent her a teddy bear one day with a card that said "because it's Tuesday" and I thought that was the sweetest thing.

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One thing I did was write a letter for someone.


This is referring to the girl in my thread "A LONG Crush". She told me she was kind of seeing someone, which made me pretty upset because it was an insulation for 3 years. Furthermore, she's leaving Canada to go to Europe. I just wrote saying that I'm really going to miss her and I like her a lot, even though she is already seeing someone.


Letters are pretty formal, and therefore can really mean something.

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[font=arial][/font][color=blue][/color]You could put together a small photo album (you can buy cute plastic ones at Walmart for like $2 they hold 2 pics back to back per page) with pictures of you and you and him together with some blank pages for future photos...

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send him an email expalining your undying love for him, or a poem so he will remember you

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take a pic of some fresh roadkill...preferrably a large dog.


then put it in an envelope and mail it with a note attached saying, "See that? That's you, you prick if you ever leave me. I love you."


Letters are more intimate than email



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