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Is it okay to flirt with the ex??

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I was friends with a guy for about 3 years. We went out for a year, then broke up on account of his cheating. Well 2 months later we agreed to be friends again. I am happy this way because I want him in my life. However, whenever we meet up to have a chat or see each other somewhere, it always goes beyond friendliness and into serious flirting.


I will never sleep with him again, even though he wants to, and he knows this. Is it okay to flirt though? My friends think I'm holding onto something that I should let go of.

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That's a hard call!! I've flirted with my ex's before. It's always harmless joking though, that would never lead to anything, nor would it give that impression for either party. You're comfortable with that person, and already had a sexual relationship with them, so flirting comes easier (I think).


The fact that this is happening every time you talk/see each, etc. somewhat gets "iffy". You know yourself that you don't want it to go any further then this, but are you ABSOLUTELY sure he knows that you would never let it go that far? Do you trust yourself to not let it go further??? I could see these actions (since happening EVERY TIME you are with each other) somewhat peeking his interest level and wondering "I wonder if she would... "


Flirting isn't necessarily something your using to hold on. It's fun! Although, since it is happening almost every time you're together, I would cut back on it. Then it's not giving him the chance to think you are into him again, and wanting more.



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Think about it this way: are you going to meet each others dates at all? Would you feel comfortable flirting with him if you were on a date? How would you feel if he flirted with you in front of your date?


Friends generally don't have to alter their behavior when they're around their friend's girl or boyfriend. They don't have to be on their toes and try not to flirt.

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If he's still interested, then I would say no, it's not ok to flirt.


It's hard to make a blanket statement like that, but from my personal experience, no matter what an ex has said, if they start flirting with you it seems as though there might be a chance again. That said, however, it really depends on your friendship.

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  • 9 months later...

I am going through the same situation right now. My ex and I finally started talking about a week after the break up, and everytime we see eachother in class all he does is flirt and joke around with me. He broke up with me because I had an alcohol problem, which is fixed, I got help and haven't drank since that night. But anyway, he still loved me when he broke up with me, he just couldn't take the drinking anymore. He knows I've stopped (he's asked a couple of times) and now the flirting is crazy. I mean just yesterday he got jealous. We're sitting in class and we both see a mutual friend of ours walking down the aisle. My ex goes, his brother looks like his twin.. and I go "oh REALLLLLYYYY" and smile (I think this kid is very attractive). Out of NO WHERE, the ex smacks me with the old practice exam. It was GREAT and that totally made my day. What everyone else has been saying, if you don't want it to go anywhere with him or lead him on, don't flirt with him.


I'm still trying to figure out why my ex plays these mind games with me, but I know how to play them right back :-)

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