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Do i move on?

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Ok, so i'm new here *deep breath* but this has been playing on my mind for ages and i need advice from someone, anyone!


First of all, I'm only 16 years old, i know straight away that everyone's going to be like "you dont know what love is you're only young" etc etc and i totally understand your point but this is really getting me down.


A couple of years ago i met this boy through my older sister, they were just friends.He's now 19 so there is a 3 year age gap. When we first met i was just like 13 and he was 16 but we became really really good friends (i'm very mature for my age), we'd meet up just the two of us and just talk about everything. There was nothing romantic at this point just a really strong friendship. He had this horrible girlfriend that i hated, that was always cheating on him but he didn't know. One day we just stopped talking, i can't even remember why to be honest, we just stopped meeting up, there was never an argument, but we lost touch.


when i was 14 i was going through a really really bad patch with just personal life, and i dont really like talking about it because its still a bit painful (cheesy as it sounds) during this point i was really depressed and did some stupid stuff but when i tried to talk to my mum it was 'hormones'. I never told her in full detail how bad it got. I just remember thinking "i wish he was here, i need to tell him all this stuff" i got over it by myself, and actually haven't gone into detail with anybody about it, because it embarreses me. Then when i was 15 we met at a mutual friends party, i reminded him who it was (i'd changed a LOT haha) and we spent the party together flirting and just getting on like we'd never lost contact. He told me that he'd broken up from his cheating girlfriend and told me lots of personal stuff.


we talked for a while after that, going to parties together and just being the way we were but more flirting.


Then we lost contat AGAIN for like a whole year. literally every day i was thinking of him and how much i liked him.


then the other day we met again at a different party! as soon as i heard he was there i knew i had to see him so i did. He's got a new girlfriend whose lovely and a genuinely nice person, i wouldn't want to break them up as i know it would upset both of them but if they ever did break up due to their own issues i would not think twice about a relationship with him.


i just don't have the courage to tell him how i feel, especially as he's in a relationship with someone else and i would be heartbroken if he turned me down.I see him as a bestfriend and I know even if we got together and it didn't work out we'd remain friends. I tell myself sometimes i should move on, but then part of me doesn't want to move on.

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Better to move on. He is a relationship, and confessing your feeling will only make things highly awkward between your friend and you. It would create a lot of emotional turmoil, and it is simply not worth it.


That part of you does not want to move on is quite understandable. First love always has an element of not wanting to move on in it. Move on, and find someone who reminds you in good ways of this guy.

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