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I feel like I'm losing my best guy friend

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I'm 16, I know I'm young and sometimes people do not take teenagers seriously, but I'm in need of advice here.


Ever since my best friend's 16th birthday last October, he has changed into this big jerk. He used to be so sincere and sweet and he used to always talk to me. Now he thinks he's hot stuff because he has a truck. He started spiking his hair and growing a goatee. He brags on how big and strong he is, and how his favorite new thing is to lift weights. And he keeps bragging about how he's working on a six pack. He started hanging out with a new girl and they're best friends just like we used to be. He's nice to her and they have inside jokes together all the time. He has a lot of girls that like him now. He won't hold a conversation with me anymore. He only gives me one word answers, and most of the time the conversations last for only 5 minutes.


He used to be the sweet nerdy kid, just like me. And we used to snuggle up together. He's mean to me and talks to me maybe once a month or so now. We started a friends with benefits type of relationship a couple years ago. (A bad idea I know) I only did it because I really love him and I wanted to make him happy. Nothing we do is physical, we just have cyber sex. And when we first started doing it, he was more focused on pleasing me, but now all he does is demand to look at my breasts until he finishes. And he finishes quick, so I never get pleased. Right after he is pleased he says something like "Dude put your bra back on" I know that sounds slutty of me to show myself to someone who I'm not with, but he sort of tricked me into that. I've never done it with anyone else. We are both virgins. I've always wanted to be his girlfriend, and I have told him my feelings about him but he just stands there and changes the subject.


Should I talk to him about how he's changed, or should I let him go?

Edited by Emily441
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It sounds to me like he's using you for his own selfish gratification. If he can't have the decency to hold a conversation with you then to give him his own way whilst he's treating you like crap is just rewarding bad behaviour and he probably knows it.


In my opinion, a remark like "Dude put your bra back on" right after he's finished jacking off over you is your proof that he's just using you.


It's easy for me to just say it on here, but you should tell him that how he's treating you lately is not acceptable, it could just be a phase he's going through since he's noticed all of a sudden he's had some female interest from someone else and this 'bad boy' image thing going on, but I'd prepare to just walk away - on the basis of showing him you don't need him, aswell as maintaining your own dignity and self respect.

Edited by gearsofwar
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