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Working on improving communication

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Hi there,


Any recommendations on readings for improving communication in a relationship?


I am more a listener but there have been times where I feel very timid and don't really say much like my mind is drawing blanks. I want to improve so I can start a good conversations which I feel will help me out.


Any help would be appreciated.




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I had this book recommended by another member on here, and it's helped me improve my communication with my partner:


Amazon.com: Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By Telling The Truth (9780440507543): Brad Blanton: Books


Don't think (from the description) that it is aimed at people who consciously lie to others - it's more about being authentic in a relationship.

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communication is all encompassing. it's the only reason we're the dominant species on this planet.


it's psychological, practical, and borderline mystical all rolled into one.


so study all of the above. why do people respond well to certain words and phrases than others? what do people want to hear? how do they want to hear it?


another book that's somewhat timeless in this respect (at least for the length of its existence) is Dale Carnegie's "how to win friends and influence people".


some people are born with this ability and some aren't, but i think they are all skills that can be learned.

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