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Ladies...Why are cute girls attracted to...?

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Why are cute girls with great physiques attracted to over weight men?


I didn't really notice this until a friend pointed it out to me while in a large public setting. Looking around at couples. It became obvious that cute girls (in great condition) choose out of shape men.


We then looked at people we know...and same thing.


Why is this?

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ha! Its not that we choose them, when we meet them they are in shape. Then they choose to stop working as hard cause they caught what they needed (the woman they love).

We love men no matter what they look llike, because damnit, it matters, but not a huge amount like society says.

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Interesting...while I might agree to a point. There are definate examples indicating otherwise (some of these guys I know were out of shape to begin with lol)

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I don't mind a partner being overweight; unfit isn't sexy though.


Loads of people look bigger and are fit, the stereotypical anorexia of current media beauty isn't an option for most people!


If Marilyn Monroe or Clark Gable were looking for film parts today they'd probably be cast in Shrek or something...

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I like a tummy on a man. I like having something to wrap my arms around. It's so snuggly!


I completely agree! I personally am in good shape and I love a man with a tummy. It is more cuddly and makes them seem like a teddy bear almost.


Not that I'm not attracted to the "fit" males, with their 6-packs and all. Of course I check that out! I think I would just prefer falling asleep on someone a little "bigger" and snuggly, compared to someone who is "ripped" and hard as a rock. I would think it would almost be like sleeping on the floor! :laugh:


~BurningBright :p

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I'm muscular and soft...I have skin like a woman, that good enough? :p


and speaking of midsections...snuggling and all that...I have a very small waist. In top form it's 29", right now I'm fat at 30 :mad: , hehe is my dainty waist not snuggable? I mean, I'm so soft! :D

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I'm not attracted to VERY over weight guys~


I'm very fit @ 5'5 34-24-34 I prefer a guy who is in good physical condition~


Thinking about it, none of my girlfriends are attracted to VERY over weight guys either, hmmm...


On the other end of things though I've seen a lot of guys who just prefer a bigger girl, so I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wouldn't say that more women are attracted to out of shape guys I think that girls are just able to look further than a physical appearance sometimes and find what is attractive in a guy that goes beyond physical apperance~

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I remember reading a study on this a long time ago. I don't remember all the details, but it boiled down to possessiveness. Women are more acceptable of and more strongly desire a man who does not appear sexy or desirable to other women and/or the man may be more grateful to have a beautiful woman and less likely to cheat or to leave her.


There was a LOT more to the study with lots of little nuances and psychobabble, but that was what it boiled down to.



I think that maybe these guys just have lots of money! :);):bunny:



I like big men. They just seem more like down-home family men and not players, I guess. When I was first dating and not serious about anyone I chose my men based on looks first. I once dated a real jerk for 9 months just because he was 6'6.5" and I could wear my tallest heels/platform shoes and he was still taller than me! He was a great accessory! :)

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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

I remember reading a study on this a long time ago. I don't remember all the details, but it boiled down to possessiveness. Women are more acceptable of and more strongly desire a man who does not appear sexy or desirable to other women and/or the man may be more grateful to have a beautiful woman and less likely to cheat or to leave her.



Very interesting. This would make total sense in that the guys appeared (to me) to lean towards naturally beautiful girls too. I mean not dolled up and looking fake. Naturally beautiful girls are what I consider a hard find actually...they're usually taken already. Girl next door type perhaps???


Yes, I did not mean VERY over weight. just on the heavier side slightly (30 - 40 lbs). Teddy bear is probably a fitting description if anyone were to label it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having dated the guys who worked out like fiends, I have to ask- are they doing it to stay in shape, or are they doing it for constant attention... :rolleyes:


Ive never dated a guy who was "overweight" but I like guys who are nice to cuddle with. The ones who work out all the time look nice, but arent very cuddly, because they're too into themselves, and they're always sore from working out! :mad:


Some girls choose guys who are not that good looking, because they know that no girl is gonna come along and try to steal him from her. Its a security thing I guess, but Ive never done that myself. Another thing Ive noticed, some people (this goes for guys and girls) choose to date people that dont look "as cute" whatever that means, as them- so that they can have the spotlight when out in public? But I could be wrong, just what Ive observed, and heard from folks.

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I like the "chunkies" thats what i call the love handles. I need them.


I like chubby guys. lol not muscular ones. They are like teddy bears. They are great. :bunny::bunny::bunny:

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I work out daily for at least an hour. I really don't even want a girlfriend, so its not for attention. On days where I sleep in I can really tell the difference in my mood, patience and energy level. No doubt that there are people who do it for vanity. However, for the people that I know that I see in the gym daily do it because its part of our daily routine, and when I don't workout it weighs on my conscience. Just like its probably not necessary to shower or bathe everday, but if you're used to doing it daily you feel gross when you skip. Or if you're in the habit of brushing your teeth after every single meal you would probably feel gross if you only brushed them once a day. We are creatures of habit and patterns, and its just as uncomfortable for me to break out of my routine of working out everyday as it is for someone else to break out of the routine of their sedamentary lifestyle.

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It beats the heck out of me....


I have a dear friend that is married to a guy that is obese....he's not butt ugly but he is terribly over weight...she's very petite but I think she loves the whole "snuggly teddy bear" thing and he does have a pretty good personality...


I never dated an overweight guy...I think I must be shallow.....I always liked guys to have a personality but I couldn't let that over ride looks...


My husband is gorgeous and has never been overweight....he also has the most awesome personality....I truly think that if he gained some weight (maybe got soft but not obese) I'd still be attracted to him....dang I'm so shallow!! :o

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Why is this?


Why not? :p

I don't think 'great shape'in in the top list of ' qualities my SO should have' for many ladies.


I also believe that a minority of ladies would not date an obese man even if they found him attractive because they'd be worried about their friends' jokes.

You know how stupid and shallow people can be

"hey, you got together with him because fat as you are yourself you could not find anything better"

"look at that funny overweight couple".

I personally know a couple of obese girls who'd never date an obese man because they are afraid of people's comments.


My theory is that if you are really stunning you just don't give a damn about what people could think.....they see it with their own eyes that you are with the guy because you like him and not because in shape men would not date you.

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Are you talking about a buff guy, or a metrosexual guy?


I like cuddly guys. My guy is 6'4 and 270. So, I get to feel safe AND cuddled on.


Skinny guys do nothing for me. My best friend Nick is bone thin, and when he and I used to cuddle, it was like trying to snuggle with a fork. I wouldn't advise it.


Guys who work out alot and are somewhat metrosexual in their apperance also do nothing for me, unless their older and are in a position to where they have to look stylish and well kempt. (I.E. a CEO or something).

When regular guys that I happen to know start waxing their eye brows and buffing their nails, and working out constantly (then I automatically write them down (mentally) as potential gay friends. That excites me, because I used to enjoy being a fruit fly and hooking my friends up with handsome suitors. :-)


I'm not saying that working out is a bad thing, but when it comes along with waxing eyebrows, buffing nails, highlighting hair... that's a whole different ball game.


I hope I gave you some kind of helpful answer.

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i am sooooooooo glad i found this site! you girls just made my week. there are intellegent women on this planet! find a frog and turn him into your prince! ugly on the inside is ugly on the outside. i don't like real skinny girls because

A. they steal all the covers to keep warm

B. they always put thier ice cold feet on your back

C. rough sex leaves marks

D. they are faster to the remote


i work hard to keep the "four pack" i have going

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I'm not into skinny guys very much, far too uncomfortable. My current bloke is a bit lighter than usual as he's been ill, but normally he's well enough covered. A little bit on the chunky side is fine by me. Gives me something to grab onto!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I am 158 kgs but for some reason I have always thought if I ask a girl out she is bound to refuse cuz maybe her friends would make fun of her. Ohh you are with an elephant or somthing like that. Inside my mind I always think nice. Always look at the girls eyes and enjoy if I get a stare from them but I never gather enuff courage to walk up to them and escalate things. I just feel satisfied, atleast I came this far and the thought and fear of losing her for good if she says no avoids me to ask any further. So I am wondering if it is the right or wrong approach.

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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

I remember reading a study on this a long time ago. I don't remember all the details, but it boiled down to possessiveness. Women are more acceptable of and more strongly desire a man who does not appear sexy or desirable to other women and/or the man may be more grateful to have a beautiful woman and less likely to cheat or to leave her.



I know that contributes somewhat to why I like bigger (not obese!) guys.


I'm sort of chubby (5'3". about 155 lbs :eek: ) and I like to feel small next to my partner.


Also, I don't like to feel inadaquate when compared to my partner. I like to feel equal and like we deserve each other.

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Definitely a cultural thing.


North American women are far more accepting of overweight men than are Asians and Europeans. The only reason I can think of is that, over time, North American society has conditioned itself to accept the majority - some 60 to 70 percent of people now - who are overweight.


I always thought it was the oddest thing. When I felt most out of shape - I was 6'2" and about 195 about three years ago now - I couldn't help but notice that I was getting a lot of interest from the ladies back home.


Both times I've been back home, I get hardly a second look :( I get no love :( It's a sad, sad story :( Somebody....bring me a violin :(


Anyway, I digress.


Point is, I think it's just a sign of the times. We're all overweight, so we're worried less about how we look in general, and we're more tolerant of someone who's slightly out of shape. We tend to assume, too, that "in shape" means vanity, which is something we don't tolerate, and its a trait we fear having in a partner.


Hell, to me, in shape just means in shape. I am encouraged, though, by the fact that we, as a society, are rejecting (well, at least with men anyway) the Madison Avenue propaganda machine, which says that the ideal man has to look like the guy on the Nordic Track commercial.

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