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Ladies...Why are cute girls attracted to...?

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i've dated both and i just prefer bigger guy that are mad sexy. i'm into older confident bigger guys.

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i've dated both and i just prefer bigger guy that are mad sexy. i'm into older confident bigger guys.


amen = sign me up.



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Originally posted by mronederful

i am sooooooooo glad i found this site! you girls just made my week. there are intellegent women on this planet! find a frog and turn him into your prince! ugly on the inside is ugly on the outside. i don't like real skinny girls because

A. they steal all the covers to keep warm

B. they always put thier ice cold feet on your back

C. rough sex leaves marks

D. they are faster to the remote


i work hard to keep the "four pack" i have going


i love you. :love:;)

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My first boyfriend was a bald biker type with a belly, my current bf is tall and has the metabolism of a racehorse. I thought both of them were as sexy as hell. :) Someone who is comfortable in their own skin is attractive.

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I need some quick advice from a lady preferably. I have met this girl twice, the second time was today, she is a born and bred kiwi, a european girl. i was crossing the street and i saw her just when she passed me and i turned around and go ahh we meet again. The last time I had told her I was leaving for a city 400 kms away and was going to live on my own but unfortunately the plan didnt work financially. it just wasnt sustainable considering we have a huge business loan. So i have to live with my family and help them pay it off and i told her that. So this girl actually hinted that well she'd like if i could make my own decisions, i said well i did wat i could in the best interests of my family but i think i made a mistake, i said, i have the freedom to move around anywhere i want within the city while living with my family and she immediately says, i really have to go to the bank, she was going to the bank. well i corrected that i asked her name and she gave it to me; looked her in her eyes no looking at the wrong places and we said our byes and off i went.


I guessed that she wanted to go for a coffee as it was the lunch break for her which was around 12 pm but i didnt ask her cuz its a bit soon, u meet twice and go for coffee. i think if the third time it happens that i meet her and we have a decent conversation i will ask her.


The problem is the conversation in the first paragraph, is this an ok conversation or is there something wrong there and i wouldnt get a second chance at this. if not, i'll continue in my policy of finding better solutions to make money in my business.

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You've only met her twice, right?


I think the problem here is that she might have some information she would consider negative and she might be somehow using that as a way to keep distance between you two in her mind. It may not be a nice thing to say, but I think adult men who live at home don't have much chance of getting a woman to get involved in a relationship. That's not always true, but generally speaking it is.

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You mean information about me, thats interesting. Well the only information she might have laid her hands on could be that I had depression and was treated by her boss. Or she could have laid her hands on the lease of our business and why is it finishing this month and that we are moving to new premises directly adjacent to her shop. Anyway I will forget this whole thing and concentrate on money only. Why did I get involved in this nonsense?


Because she point blankly asked me if i was moving out of my familys home and when was i leaving for the other city and indiacted she would prefer someone who can make his own decisons.


The other thing is I had to call that shop as one of my medicines finished and unfortunately she picked up the phone once again and checked that the medicine was not available. Anway as all customer service agents spell out their name first, I heard the name and pretended i DIDNT HEAR AND ALMOST AT THE END ASKED her wats ur name again.


I think she was pretty annoyed. She says we just met on the street (now that i come to think of it maybe meaning keep your distance as i told u) and i just said oh i m so sorry I forgot again, and she got excited.


Anyway I just need some clarifications on this one and your advice please.



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;) havNfun


Anshul if i liked someone i met i would take them on a first date to get tested :D

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U see kelly i have studied in international schools around the world, american girls are by far much better and more beautiful and gorgeous. Honestly U havent seen girls in new zealand. Sometimes when I am at a low end I feel its the crap of the century but I have to stay here so thats the only choice unless i meet an american tourist which is different then i know how to handle myself and how to get to know them. its not all that tough. but this is really tough. Besides its more easy to ask an american girl on the first date than nz girls.

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