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The "best" is whatever you deem is the "best". One person's "best" will not necessarily be yours.

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Ok..let me rephrase my question...I ment what sex postion is favorite to someone and what area/place/room is their favorite?


Mine is doggy style and probably the table!

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When i first got married we had house sex IE sex in every room of the house to find out which was best.

Then it progressed to room sex only sex in the bedroom

now we have hall sex

we pass in the hall and say F#@K YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope this helps

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  • 3 weeks later...

the bast place to have sex is outside on your back yard. Or in a hot room because is makes you swet alot. which is good.

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I like the 69.


I'm a bit picky where I f*ck, though. I need something soft and cushiony, though not too cushiony. Futons work for me.

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My favorite position is a "standing missonary". My husband holds me up with my legs around his waist and . . . errrr. . . bounces me! It's nice! And, we usually do this in the kitchen so that I am able to lay backwards by using the kichen counter to hold my upper body up!

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Spoons position on a comfy bed/sofa with his hand busy on me as well!





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did it in a park! It was awesome!


also, on the hood of my car, in a baseball park, in the rain.

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I would have to say having sex in a pool, hot tub or shower sucks. Give me a fet


ching break, Does anyone really think this feels good?? Ok, maybe the guys out


there, BUT ladies* you mind as well have sex with your cordless phone. For one,


having sex in a pool, or hot tub could give you an infection only the devil knows


what. SO, what I suggest is REVERSE cowgirl -awesome for the girl- and quite


the sight for the guys. Oh and here is a WARNING just for fun


Be careful!!!




I hate all the "so-called" hoax warnings, but this one is important! Send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list!


If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a survey and then asks you to take your clothes off, do not do it! This is a scam; they only want to see you naked! I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap now...




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Hey Princess 1!


You are totally right! Water sex is no good! Men always want it too, like they think it's so cool. But it's not.


Water foreplay is good, but save the action for after.


Here's another good one: The restroom at the office. What do you think of that?

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As long as the restroom sex doesn't include getting in the tub water! LOL

I think that the sink could be awfully cold ...the knees could get sore ..and the

sex would have to be way short.. But sex at work could definantly break up the day.. I would suggest planning a quick run out of the office with this person. RISKY in the office.

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Alas, Princess... the office restroom sex is a thing of the past (recent past, but still past) and while it is great for the thrill of getting caught, it is necessarily too quick. And not as intimate as I would have liked either. The park was WAY better. Unforgettable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have to say that woman on top is my favorite for the reason given above--less work for me, a visual that is worth a thousand dirty pictures, and generally favorable for the female orgasm. love it. for the pure physical sensation, i have to say that i prefer doggy style for the general sensation, with a visual in a close second place to woman on top.


as for places, up against a wall in a discrete but otherwise public place was my favorite but i would say that it's not a good idea due to the legal ramifications if one were caught, which i was not but easily could have been.

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I loved hittin' all the positions in various angles when I was with my ex-girl, IN FRONT OF OUR DRESSER MIRROR. Best live porn show I ever did see if I say so myself.

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YES! The mirror. I did that once. That was f*cking BAD ASS. The girl couldn't stop looking into the mirror. It was neat.

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YES! The mirror. I did that once.


I really hope you get to do it again some time. Mirrors ROCK! I never feel as sexy and as much a woman as I do when I can see the action going on! :o

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  • 1 month later...

I think im starting to like stadard missionary the best. Me and my girlfriend change it up with her on top or different angles and such once in a while, but its pretty much me on top most of the time. Heres an interesting place; last night on my car hood. Yes the one in my avatar :p That was quite an adrenaline rush! We both enjoyed it very much.

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did it in a park. don't ever do it in the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ever poured salt on a slug?! that's all i'm saying! Ummm....mirrors are absolutely fabulous. I love watching!

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  • 3 weeks later...

getting the reaction from a new sex partner to my little trick of having a peppermint in my mouth as i tongue her clit.



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