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Is this guy married or is it something else?

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I am wondering what other peoples take is on this...


I am trying to get over a bad relationship with a guy who had lied to me and said he was single when he was really married...


However that isn't my question LOL!


My question is this~ I went out with my girlfriends to a club and met this guy I thought was really great! He is very nice looking, seemed very sincere and outgoing... just really like a good guy you know?


Well he starts telling me how i'm "perfect" as far as he is concerned... tells me i'm beautiful and I am EXACTLY what he's been looking for in the looks department. He is with me all night, we dance and he wants to hold my hand, buy me drinks and is very respectful, not trying to kiss on me or grab at me... he tells me girlfriend towards the end of the night how much he likes me and he thinks I am what he's been looking for in a girl... I would have been thinking "yeah right! he just wants to get laid" but he is being very respectful...


So anyway he says to me that he would love to spend more time with me and says can I get your number, I said yes... but before he gets my number he says well what are you doing after the club? I told him I was with my girlfriend and I wasn't sure. So he asks me if I want to go to one of his friends house for a "after party" I ask my girlfriend and she agrees to go with me.


Well the whole way there he is holding my hand asking me about myself... we get to his friends house and its just three guys there playing pool and hanging out... we go in and sit down... no one says anything to me and my girlfriend... then this guy asks me if I want to go outside and sit on the balcony... so we all go out there. His phone rings and he says that some girl is coming over, so his friend says he will go downstairs and let her in (its a secure building) but he asks the guy i've met to come with him.... well the two of them go downstairs to let her in but they don't come back for like thirty minutes...


When they finally come back up, he stands across the table from me... the girl isn't with them? Then my girlfriend is saying she is tired blah blah she wants to go home... his friends are saying they are tired... but this guy is saying the night is still early. I stand up and tell him I need to go because I don't want to keep my gf there when she is tired. I go over to him and give him a hug... he looks at me in the eyes but doesn't say anything but looks like he wants to, so I wait for him to ask for my number again because I hadn't given it to him at the club... he doesn't say anything but keeps looking at me like he has something to say... I tell him it was great hanging out with him and he says it was great being with me as well... still doesn't ask for my number... so I tell him bye, he says bye... doesn't offer to walk me to the door or anything!


It was soooo wierd! I know one of the guys there for sure was married.... now i'm wondering if this guy was married too? I know with the mm I had been with he jumped right into telling me how "perfect" I was too.... almost like they dont have time to "court you" so i'm wondering what do you think is up? was he married? did his friend say something to him when they were gone for so long? did he change his mind about wanting to spend time getting to know me? What happened?


Thanks you guys!

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Looks like a red flag! I would just leave it alone. Doesn't sound very respectful at the end anyway!


Good luck

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