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Im interested in opinions in a recent development of a good mates life.


A girl started working at his company 2 weeks ago. Within this time she has told him she has a boyfriend (long term). Within a week she kissed my housemate, then pulled away.


2 days later hes having sex with her. Now hes had sex with her 3 times. She has told my housemate that her boyfriend cheated on her awhile back.


There is in my opinion no justification for cheating, even if its been done to you. You just gotta walk when trust is gone. And I just feel sick thinking about her boyfriend. He moved abroad with her thousands of miles from home.


One night in a club, a girl literally dragged me to the toilets to have sex- id met her an hour earlier. She told me she had a boyfriend who cheated on her......and I was like - you still together? and she said yeah......and i couldnt quite go through with it, even though I was sorely tempted.


Thing is though - Ive rarely heard of this kind of behavior from my male friends. Im not saying it doesnt happen, Im sure it does, maybe as frequently, but if a woman cheated on me, id just break up with her, not cheat on her - breaking ups the punishment.


Any other stories appreciated. Things like this make me wary of relationships

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Things like this make me wary of relationships


Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. There are people with poor impulse control and boundaries with badly aligned moral compasses. However, there are also good people out there who won't behave in the way that you described.


It's okay to be wary but if you want to get into a relationship, you still need to open up your heart and take a chance. Learn to tune your people picker so that you can pick out the good people from the bad ones.

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cheating happens... and either sex can be the responsible party. It is something that the cheated party can get over but sometimes, putting the shoe on the other foot, by experiencing the feeling and thrill of it themselves can help that process. You should have had sex with the girl in the bathroom... you would have enjoyed it and she would have felt either felt better or it would have prompted her to end it with her cheating boyfriend... I can only hope she quickly found a guy willing to take care of her needs.

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