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how to know if he loves me.


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I've been dating this nice man for the past month. however, he rarely initiates kissing. is he shy? or he's is not in love with me? when we kiss he uses alot of tongue and usually puts his arm around me when we're out. How do I know if he loves me? i don't want to ask him, because i don't want to look desperate. any advice will be appreciated thank you.

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Stop trying to rush things! You're having a nice time right now with this man, and things are proceeding just nicely. Now you want to ruin it by feeling as though he must say that he loves you.


This will come at it's own time. Enjoy what you have right now, and stop it with the expectations.

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Paulie's totally right. There are so many girls who think guys go way too fast...here you are wanting a guy to fall in love with you right off the bat.


If love is to mean anything at all, if you are to appreciate it and value it to any extent, it has to happen in its own good time.


Just go out with the guy, enjoy yourself. There is no place where it is written every guy you go out with has to fall in love with you, or love you in any way, especially after a month. I think guys who fall in love that quickly are a taco short of a combination platter anyway.

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