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I like two girls at the same time! what do i do?

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Ok well I have a really big problem, I have been dating this girl for about 10 months now and I really like her. But I am now working at a childrens camp and there is this other girl who I really really like too. Now normally I would just blow this off because I have had feelings for other girls but they dont really mean anything. But this girl at camp is like no other and I cant stop thinking about her. So basically I have no idea what to do so please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unlucky In Love

I think you have a right to explore your feelings with this new girl, but don't let your girlfriend find out about it. You need to be fully informed so that you can decide which of the two of them to be with.


You have to understand that you may end up ruining your relationship with your girlfriend and really hurting her feelings if you're not careful. Does the new girl have a boyfriend? Is there anyway that you can just be camp buddies with the new girl without jeopardizing your relationship? Maybe there is a way to just be friends.


What do you think?

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Im not exactly sure if she has a boyfriend Im trying to figure that out. Truthfully I would rather be friends but I just end up obssesing over her the entire day. And i cant tell if she is flirting or not, i mean we spend alot of time together and we have practically everything in common, but i dont know if she is interested in me or not. Do you know how i could find that out?

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I completely understand your predicament, I sorta have the same problem only I am choosing between three guys, one of them being my boyfriend. I agree that if you really like your present girlfriend that you should make sure that you and this new girl are on the same page before you break off a perfectly good relationship. It sounds a little sneaky, but I understand how it feels to be with someone and have strong feelings for another. The best way to truly find out how the new girl feels about you is to simply ask.

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Well it depends upon how close the two of you have gotten. First, you should find out if she has a boyfriend though.

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hey man, i was in the same situation not too long ago. i unfortunately, was indecisive, and ended up really hurting my girlfriend. as time wears on, your 'obsession' with this new girl will fade (mine did in a few weeks) and what you'll probobly realize is that your current girlfriend is the one to be with. what happened with me is that, at first, i tried to advance my friendship with this new girl. however, i ended up hurting my girlfriend pretty badly, and i kind of got the feeling that the other girl was frustrated with me being indecisive over the situation (i.e. she wanted me to make a decision between the two). i ended up toning things down with the new girl, and have reconciled things with my gf. good luck with whatever you decide to do, but realize that your feelings for this new girl may fade quickly.

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I think you have a right to explore your feelings with this new girl, but don't let your girlfriend find out about it. You need to be fully informed so that you can decide which of the two of them to be with.


Yeah that's good, advise him to break his gf's heart. Either cleanly break up w/ your gf, or get over this new girl. CHEATING HURTS! Not to mention while your deciding who gets to be kept, you could give you and your gf an std.


Remember your morals at the same time too!

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