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Crazy FWB situation - I don't want to stop!

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Ok, by way of background I broke up with my boyfriend of 5.5years six months ago, so am probably not ready for another relationship just yet. But I met this guy at work and had a massive crush on him, turns out he felt the same. But we are so different people, I could never see myself bringing him home to meet my parents/hanging out with my friends etc. Anyway so it started with email flirting back and forth, then he took me out for lunch at work, then it progressed to evening dates, and he would always pay. I went overseas for a month and we were in contact pretty much everyday! We have hooked up a few times now and it is so good, I kind of am addicted! And I enjoy his company but it's never going to go further than a FWB thing. The situation is quite weird too because we sorta avoid each other a bit at work so no one gets suss! What should I do? At this point in time I really don't want to stop seeing him, it is so fun! But I'm scared I'm going to get attached or eventually we'll decide we can't keep doing this and then I'll feel very disappointed because it's not just the sex I will lose, I actually feel like he's my friend now and I don't want to lose that!!

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I made a similar post and didn't receive any replies... are we posting in the right place ? With my situation it began the same way and I felt the way you do but if I had it to do again I wouldn't . If for some reason it goes south you have to deal with your feelings at work and it has been terrible for me. it's almost NEVER worth the risk. Wish you the best though. Be careful....

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There is not really anything anyone can say. You're a grown up and need to make your own decisions.


You're not hurting anyone, so you just need to find out if you'll be hurt if it end (and it will, eventually) AND, if it will, if it's worth it.

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Most likely scenario: The first one of you that finds someone that you REALLY want to date will be the first one to hurt the other.

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