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How do I get him to comply?


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Recently my bf & I have been having problems due to many factors, but mainly his job. We are long distance and he never makes time to be with me. I love him very much, but I'm tired of missing him all the time. We desperately need to spend time together because we are drifting apart. Any suggestions on what I should do?

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This is a no brainer. If he can't find more time to spend with you, find someone who will. Long distance relationships are tough. You obviously bargained for not seeing him often but now it's bothering you.


You say HE won't make the time to see you. I think you ought to take a hint. As a man, if I want to see a lady, I work my schedule in whatever way possible to be sure that happens. No work schedule could keep me away.


You may love him now but it will be really hard to continue to love a guy who doesn't make you feel special, who won't make time for you, and with whom you are having many problems.


Life is just too short. Start taking inventory of why you love him. Maybe the feeling is just a habit. If you don't see him often, you are having lots of problems, and the prospects for things getting better are slim...maybe those feelings really aren't there anymore. Sometimes we just get used to something that used to be...but isn't any longer.


If you think you are really still in love with him, your only hope is that he changes heart and finds time for you. You obviously have no control over that. I think he's a dork!!! You deserve better treatment from the man to whom you have given your love.

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