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Crawling back?

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Okay, so I've been on and off with this guy for a while. We've known eachother for almost 4 years, but have been intimate for almost one year. Last week, while we were broken up we slept together. We both knew that this was a step backwards and wasn't good for either of us (he was trying to get back with his ex girlfriend at the time). I didn't text him or call him for a while after we slept together until one day when it really bothered me, I simply texted him saying that we needed to talk.


He didn't text back but instead called me, yelled at me, told me to never text him again and without me saying anything said, "Dont worry, I won't come crawling back if stuff doesn't work out with me and my ex" and hung up on me.


My questions for you all are....would he honestly sleep with me if he was whole-heartily trying to get back with his ex girlfriend. Two, why on earth would he put words in my mouth by saying "don't worry, I won't come crawling back to you" without me even insinuating such a thing.

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He's upset about something, but I'm not sure that it's you. I'd gamble he's frustrated with the ex who may not be playing the way he was hoping she'd play.

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He didn't text back but instead called me, yelled at me, told me to never text him again and without me saying anything said, "Dont worry, I won't come crawling back if stuff doesn't work out with me and my ex" and hung up on me.

Any bets on the ex being around when he called you?


My questions for you all are....would he honestly sleep with me if he was whole-heartily trying to get back with his ex girlfriend.

I don't know the guy, but I would say he burned two bridges there. One with you, one with his ex.


Two, why on earth would he put words in my mouth by saying "don't worry, I won't come crawling back to you" without me even insinuating such a thing.

For the benefit of his ex.

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My questions for you all are....would he honestly sleep with me if he was whole-heartily trying to get back with his ex girlfriend.

Who gives a flying carp? He is clearly an a-hole and you should not speak to him ever again. Problem solved. Let him worry about his own personality flaws. They are not your problem.


Two, why on earth would he put words in my mouth by saying "don't worry, I won't come crawling back to you" without me even insinuating such a thing.

Because he is an a-hole. See above.

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