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Is she cheating?

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Me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost 2 years now. For the past year our relationship has been a bit rocky. Mainly because she complained that I don't have enough time for you. I always try my best to acommidate her. I always try and find time for her whenever possible. I guess there really isn't much chemistry in the relationship anymore. I can't read her mind so what I did to try and read her mind was I installed this program that montiors her internet activity. What I realized was the week she was leaving to California to attend her best friend's wedding she left she went on a dating site and posted her profile on the site. She actually meet a few of the guys she emailed. I gave her my cell phone before she left and she's been using away all the minutes just talking to other guys.


What should I do? Should I confront her about this? I thought she was being faithful and honest with me but I guess I'm wrong. Give me some pointers. Sometimes I feel that it's very wrong that I bust my balls working so hard for what I have and all she cares about is herself, having fun, and just having a good time.

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I think you should absolutely confront her! If not, then there is no telling how far this can go. Some people only do things like that b/c it is exciting, and a secret and it is thrilling to know that someone else other than the same person you have been with for two years, finds you attractive.


If you dont say anything, you are paying for the call for one, and two, you are allowing her to carry on with this cheating on you and you can not allow that! You need to confront this no matter what the outcome, if for nothing else, so she knows she is not pulling something over on you. That you are smarter than that!


On another note, you do need to talk to her, find out how far this has gone and how you both can work together to repair your relationship. There had to be something missing for her for this all to have began, and you did say that "really isn't much chemistry in the relationship anymore". To get that back you need to work together.


~Good Luck to you!~

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I understand that in a relationship it takes too but at times I feel like I'm the only one doing all the work in this relationship. There are many struggles I had to go through just to be with her. And thinking back there's not too many struggles she had to go through just to be with me.

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Well, maybe you should really think about how hard you are willing to try to solve this. You can not be the only one making the effort. If so, you are pretty much in the relationship alone and you will probably just frustrate yourself more and more every time you try to.


I know it is hard, the very idea of losing someone you love. But is it better to not say anything just so you dont lose her? Who knows, she may just take it for granted you will just accept this and maybe she needs you to confront her and put your foot down. Tell her that you know and it needs to end immediately, take back the phone, or better yet, have the service turned off, or you will ____?____( what ever you feel you need to do)



I have had some experience in this area, and all the people in the world can tell you what you should do, but what is in your heart, should ultimately guide you to your decision. My husband did cheat, and I chose to stay with him. I know plenty of people who claim they would have left and taken everything they could from him. But who is to say until it happens to them. I used to be one of the people who swore I would leave if it ever happened to me!


I guess the question is, How hard are you willing to work at this?

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I thnk you are right. Maybe she doesn't realize how lucky she is to have a guy like me in her life. Or maybe there is something missing in our relationship. Something that I can not provide her that she has to seek elsewhere. I think the problem is that I'm not energetic. I'm not that type of romantic guy who know how to please a woman. But that's just the way I am and I really can't change that.


I think what I would do is wait and see how far this has gone before actually confronting her. There's a bit more I need to learn before I actually do that.

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