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I have a problem. I know everyone gets tired of reading about my problems with my boyfriend, however, I am really beginning to question our relationship. I told him from teh beginning, that I would only be with him for five years, if we aren't married by then, then we have to separate. He probably takes me for a joke, but I'm very serious. Well as always, I can't get him to even discuss marriage, and this is four years. He has one more year and won't even bring it up, other than say, "I won't have you question my authority when we get married and we have kids." I don't mean to rush him, but he doesn't seem to understand that we were very young when we decided to have a serious relationship, 17, and I don't want to feel as if I'm wasting my time, because he is the first guy I've ever really loved and been faithful to. He's leaving in September to work for a company in Houston called Ernst & Young, and I don't know whether we'll stay together or not because he won't even discuss it with me. What should I do?

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Won't have you questioning his AUTHORITY? Leave him and his 1950s attitude toward marriage behind. It doesn't sound like you are having much in the way of communication on an equal level here. Granted, this is your first relationship of this magnitude, but that's because you are YOUNG! I think you made a good contract with yourself and if he doesn't take you seriously, exercise some authority of your own.

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