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Am I thinking too much?

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So, I work with this young lady I'll name "N".


I've only known her for two weeks, I began thinking something was up because N and I would have eye contact while walking past. The eye contact that last for 1.75 seconds. It doesn't feel like normal eye contact because it happened 4-5 times that day, Once or twice with a smile.


Two days later we worked in the same area together assisting patrons, it was fun, lot's of joking, smiling and laughing. But I noticed she would lightly touch my hip while walking past me. Like a little pinch at my body.


a few days later we were in separate sections, she would smile at me and say "hey" but she also said "I wish you were up here we had fun last time." She began talking with coworkers who she also jokes around with and she said "he's my favorite he treats me nice, unlike you guys." she asked me several times that day "You miss me?" I would reply "yes."


Two days later, we we're in the same section again assisting patrons, we're laughing and joking of course. She would lightly touch my hip, we also were touching hands alot. Our palms would manage to get connected to one another and slide slowly down to the fingers tips until we couldn't feel each others hands anymore, so it wasn't holding hands with a grasp it was more like rubbing hands together and it would happened 3-4 times. A supervisor even spotted it and didn't say anything. I grabbed her hands and we looked into each others eyes while talking just once though. asking if I would miss her and I would ask her if she would miss me and she would say "of course."


But that suddenly it came to an end when a customer asked me about the ring on my finger and asked me if I was married. N had a look of shock. She began acting a little differently, it felt odd. She began to playfully say things like silently "that's my boyfriend." if a male customer came up to us. She also asked me "will you miss me?" I said yes and asked her the same question. she said "no." towards the end of my shift she asked again I said "yes but you won't miss me and she said yes i will."


Since that day we really haven't gotten a chance to work together. She'll see me and smile and see hey. and look at me.


But we haven't felt hands, talked very long, hugged not once, or asked for numbers.


Am I secretly liked? is it in my mind?


I wouldn't want to approach If I'm leading myself on.

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