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I'm a virgin and I went to a see a hooker today..

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Just go to the doctor! Stat!!!


Other than that, there really is nothing much to worry about. Meh, failed first experience. Meh, you visited a prostitute. Neither of those is really a death knell.

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ok... how long does it take for an std to show up on a piss test? cause i did a little googling and if i do the qtip up my urethra test it'll be more accurate, but i'm not gonna do that..

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ok... how long does it take for an std to show up on a piss test? cause i did a little googling and if i do the qtip up my urethra test it'll be more accurate, but i'm not gonna do that..


STDs don't show up on piss tests... :rolleyes:

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ok... how long does it take for an std to show up on a piss test? cause i did a little googling and if i do the qtip up my urethra test it'll be more accurate, but i'm not gonna do that..


I think HIV is 6-12 weeks, but you should consult a registered health professional.

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Just go to the doctor! Stat!!!


Other than that, there really is nothing much to worry about. Meh, failed first experience. Meh, you visited a prostitute. Neither of those is really a death knell.


Guys visiting a prostitue really isn't a big deal? If I knew a friend of mine or whatever visits hookers, I would look down on him for that subconsciously.


should I be worried that I'm starting to feel a little bit of an emotional attachment to her?


god damn, i wish i'm good with women and have friends..

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You should be worried about not going to the doctor ASAP.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
Bzzt, that bad word
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If ever there was a case against male virgins relieving their sexual frustration by visiting a prostitute, this is it :eek:.....

I disagree with this instance. Given the way the sex turned out, it was actually a good thing in a way that it was with a hooker (except the no condom bit)...assuming she didn't rush him. I reckon he would have felt much more depression if this had been a cute girl he had a crush on, and she was a little ruthless and gave him the 'I think we should be friends' speech the next time he saw her, after his performance.


I'm surprised..A. The woman let you go bareback (if she does it for you without getting her arm twisted/extra $, she for sure does it for others), B. that if your penis is really sensitive that you don't cum easily.

If you dont want to see your doctor about getting a STD check, then check up on the Public STD clinic in your city. Don't stress out over a crap performance with a hooker, but you do need to work on not having this happen with a girl you want to impress. See your doctor about your anxiety if it is overwhelming, or find out about getting a lotion to cut down on the sensitivity for the next time.



STDs don't show up on piss tests -

Hokie, I've done chlamydia test this way.

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Guys visiting a prostitue really isn't a big deal? If I knew a friend of mine or whatever visits hookers, I would look down on him for that subconsciously.


should I be worried that I'm starting to feel a little bit of an emotional attachment to her?


god damn, i wish i'm good with women and have friends..


Well it's an easy enough thing to keep to yourself... and the people that really care about you won't judge you, they will try and understand.


You have to forget about the emotional attachment. She was playing a role, the person you slept with doesn't exist in the 'real world'.


When tested for HIV it usually only shows up after 3 months. When you go to the clinic (I know it's embarrassing, trust me) but you HAVE to tell them you have had unprotected sex with a sex worker, as they will test you for more than the standard STD's.


If she has had bareback with you, she probably has with a lot of others.


Also remember to use a condom with anyone else for the next 3 months (until you have been cleared of HIV).


Stop beating yourself up about it- no one is good on their first time, and you can't change what has happened now, just think of it as a learning curve. Also she doesn't give a crap if you were bad in bed, she has her money and she probably hasn't given it a single thought since.


Good luck.

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I'm kind of confused because she has 14 reviews. In none of those reviews did the reviewer say that she would have sex without a condom. That's kind of a big deal for a hooker to do that and I figured someone would mention it if she provides this regularly.


Maybe I'm safe after all? i don't know what's going on that she would offer me bareback. was it just greed? or maybe a combination of greed and also looking at me and making an educated guess that i'm clean?

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Odds are she could tell you were very inexperienced.


Don't beat yourself up about this, that's not going to get you moving forward, no dwelling. You had an unpleasant first time with a hooker, happens every day to lots of guys, and maybe one day after you have some more experience under your belt, this will make a funny story to tell. Look forward to that day instead of dwelling on bad feelings now. Go rent "Biloxi Blues" watch that, and it should make you feel better. There's nothing wrong with you or what you did at all, but since you have lost it, maybe work towards not paying for it going forward. Good luck.

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I'm kind of confused because she has 14 reviews. In none of those reviews did the reviewer say that she would have sex without a condom. That's kind of a big deal for a hooker to do that and I figured someone would mention it if she provides this regularly.


Maybe I'm safe after all? i don't know what's going on that she would offer me bareback. was it just greed? or maybe a combination of greed and also looking at me and making an educated guess that i'm clean?


She might not provide it regularly, but if she's making an 'educated guess' with you she's done it before. Plus you're assuming she doesn't have a personal life- she could be going to clubs every night having unprotected sex with strangers, she could be a heroine addict. You don't know. There is no point thinking about it. Just go and get checked, it's the only way you'll know anything for certain.


Just learn from it and move on.

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what are the chances of getting an std? isn't it a very low chance for std to transfer? well she told me she was clean and she doesn't go bareback often... maybe she saw how clean and young i am and decided it would be ok with me?


anyway that's actually not my primary concern. because my emotion is in turmoil right now about all those other things that you say is secondary..


hmm bareback with a hooker..a big no no. :(


u can prevent diseases with condoms but not all diseases. example, u can still get herpes and genital warts even if u used a condom,because it is spread via skin to skin contact.


its ok though, please forgive yourself. it happened already. best u can do is to get tested because if u did get something you can have it treated and avoid spreading it to your next partner. i think if youre below 18 or 20 you can get it free testing or treatment at planned parenthood if you're in the u.s.


to be honest ive had like 1-2 ex's who had sex w/ hookers to get rid of their virginities. it was due to peer pressure.

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well the website for the local std clinic says i should wait 3 weeks before getting tested.


HIV transferring is less than 1% so i'm not worried. she looked pretty healthy anyway. visually, her genitals looked healthy...


it doesn't sound like i'm in much danger given all the factors, right? damn, the test is $350 wtf. is it really that dangerous to wait a little bit to see if i have any symptoms first?

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$350 is way high, probably the max certain insurance will pay, explaining the price. Shop around and check into local health clinics. Do get tested, but don't buy into the std paranoia in the thread, lots of misinformation being posted here.

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your fears aren't exactly helping you ..just wait and get tested after 2-3 weeks.

maybe best u can do is try and boost up your metabolism ..google how. just to try and assuage your anxieties.

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Ross MwcFan

Just goes to show how much damage being a virgin does to an adult male.


I'm sorry that this was you're only chance. :(

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Yeah, because playing it safe and getting a checkup after having condomless sex with a prostitute is paranoia. Right. :rolleyes:

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your fears aren't exactly helping you ..just wait and get tested after 2-3 weeks.

maybe best u can do is try and boost up your metabolism ..google how. just to try and assuage your anxieties.


i mean immune system. google how to boost your immune system.


lol ive been working out lately and all i think about is metabolism. sorry :bunny:

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My only suggestion going forward (aside from getting checked out by a physician) is to never tell any women you're interested in that this is how you lost your virginity. If they really want to know just say you hooked up with a stranger you met at a party or something.

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My only suggestion going forward (aside from getting checked out by a physician) is to never tell any women you're interested in that this is how you lost your virginity. If they really want to know just say you hooked up with a stranger you met at a party or something.



honesty is important!


how old are you OP? why were in such a rush to lose your virginity?


:laugh: hookers are sure becoming a regular topic on LS.

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i don't know... i keep wanting to believe that she's not lying. None of her reviews say she does bareback. maybe she really was telling the truth when she said she's clean and she doesn't normally do bareback. I guess I shouldn't worry too much though, just wait 3 weeks, find a clinic and get tested.. and btw hiv transmission thru vaginal intercourse is less than 1% i looked it up. i'm not worried about that.


i am 23 years old...


the worst part now, beyond the std worries, is the loneliness feeling. like I got a very small taste of something that could potentially be really good, but i can't get it back without paying more money..

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the worst part now, beyond the std worries, is the loneliness feeling. like I got a very small taste of something that could potentially be really good, but i can't get it back without paying more money..


Oh you're gonna pay, not in the straightforward manner of the transaction you just completed, but pay you will. Them's the breaks.


As far as the loneliness goes, get out of the house and get some exercise, call some family or friends you haven't talked to in awhile to say hello.

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