scubaskunk Posted June 30, 2004 Share Posted June 30, 2004 Hey, Me and my boyfriend were dating for two years. eight months of the two years we were in a long distance relationship. I could handle it but he couldn't so he later broke it off with me (which is understandable, bc some people just can't handle it) anyways, after we broke up we still talked. During one conversation he told me that he was going to date other people until I came back but when I got back there, we could start over again. The next few conversations we had were just going downhill bc his new girlfriend had been telling him lies about me to break of the contact between me and him. So i just said screw it and let them have eachother. Me and my ex haven't called/spoken to eachother for 5 months and I miss him a lot. I think about him every day. I will be moving back to my old city, the same one as his, in about a month. I was wondering if it would be stupid to contact him again and take him up n his offer. I know, a lot can change in 5 months, but would it be wrong just to contact him. If anyone has advice......I need it.... thanks Link to post Share on other sites
suzeze Posted June 30, 2004 Share Posted June 30, 2004 You could ask him how he is etc and take it from there. Try not to build your hopes are though otherwise you'll be hurt. Best of luck. Link to post Share on other sites
sarah12 Posted July 14, 2004 Share Posted July 14, 2004 You know, he's probably thinking the same thing of you. I had a situation where the guy and I broke it off because of circumstance AND distance, and we didn't talk much over the 4 months he was gone, but when he came back, it was like we didn't miss a beat. We didn't get back together, but that's where the circumstance part comes in... If you didn't break up for any valid reasons, then I don't see why you wouldn't still have the same relationship when you see him again.. I hope that made sense.. Link to post Share on other sites
djshurkey Posted July 24, 2004 Share Posted July 24, 2004 I personally think that you should contact him. I do agree with, Suzeze, dont get your hopes up too soon. Just see where things go. Like, Sarah12, I went through the same thing. I ended a relationship with someone 6 years ago. I really dont know what you guys concider long distance, but her and I had 2013 miles between us. We started talking again in April. She contacted me. We started out with small talk, but that last only 2-3 weeks. After that, we were planning on meeting again. Ther whole point in me posting this is this. During those six years, it turned out that both of us could not stop thinking about the other. Now I am trying to find a way to move there for her. I wish you the best of luck. Just remember, there is always hope. Link to post Share on other sites
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