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Ran Into Him


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So, yesterday I ran into my emotionally and psychologically abusive ex at the book store. He's been threatening my life since I left him and just said he was going to do horrible things to me. I've slowly been moving on - it had been almost 2 weeks that I had not spoken to him, not even checked my voicemails or looked at his Facebook, and was not planning to ever again. That love feels completely gone and now is replaced with a desire to get my life back and grow and a knowledge that he treated me extremely wrong during our relationship. Anyway, I was with a girl friend, paying at the cafe when all of a sudden someone is next to me and says "Hi beautiful." I turn, somehow in my head already knowing it was him, and see him. Freeze. I was freaked out. I managed out a small "hi." He stared at me for a few seconds, I stared back I think. Then he said, "I love you" and left. It's weird, I can't even really remember all of it or even what he looked like, just bits and pieces. I don't know, I guess if he really wanted to hurt me that was his oppurtunity to like wait for me in the parking lot right? Ugh. Now I feel more anxious than ever. I'm over-analyzing the situation - what did that mean? Was he just showing me that he will never leave my life? Was it some sort of "message?" I had nightmares all night of him beating and killing me. I looked at his Facebook for some sort of "sign" and all I found was that he took all the love quotes about me off there, everything about me off there. After the incident, I remembered he was just served restraining order papers. I should have called the police, but I didn't even think about it at the time. This incident scared the crap out of me. For some reason I figured I'd never see him again. Now I'm like, damn it's not that hard for him to find me. What do you guys think?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that we were there by coincidence. I am always looking to see if I'm being followed. And the book store was the last place we went - I picked up my friend from her house, we went to the mall, and then there. I would have thought he would have approached my sooner if he was following me, and not in such a public place. I was thinking he saw outside walking there from the mall, maybe him and his friend were going to the mall and then decided to go in since they saw us go in there.

Edited by superstaroxox
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I'm not sure there is a clear question here. Are you asking if people feel it was coincidence, or if you were stalked?

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Gee, I'm sorry that you went through all of that with your ex in the past. Glad he didn't do anything to you when he saw you. Just live your life and stay away from him. He sounds like a mental case.

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Emotionally and psychologically abusive, huh?


Sums it up.


Let it go.

If you're letting him play with your head, that's a mistake.

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