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opinion about dating

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hi, i work with this girl at my job. she is nice and when i saw her at my job the first day i told my friend that i like her and stuff. so the next day my friend went up to her and told her that i like her without even telling me and then after4 or 5 days he asked her again hes like so how do you like him and she told him that i seemed nice. and then whenever i look at her most of the time shes looking at me too

and then when she see me that i am looking at her she kinda smiles and

trun around or someting


then finally after a week i asked her i said her name and went like this 'i was wondering if you will go catch a movie with me or go have dinner or something sometime' and she replied 'sometime, sure'


so now what is the next step how should i ask her when she wanna go? and what should i say to her

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She already said she would be interested~


So, say "_______ just opened this weekend in the theaters, i'd really like to see it, would you like to go with me on Friday?"


Be specific, don't put her on the spot to choose what to do, be specific about the date and time you want to get together, so no one is confused about exactly when.


Good Luck

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