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How long does a reciprocated crush last?

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I have a guy friend who had a crush on me for at least 3 years before I realized i liked him back. We had an amazing three months hanging out together (but nothing physical past a hug) but then his family had move for his dads job. It was tough on both of us and he kept saying how he couldn't believe we would be so far away from one another and that long distance probably wouldn't work with college and what not. It's been 2 years since he moved, we are both in college and we both keep in touch. He has had a girlfriend and I have dated but whenever we see each other over breaks (typically once a year) if feels like nothing has changed between us.


Is it because we never had a full relationship that these feelings just won't go away?

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When we don't explore something we wanted at one time those "what if" type questions and feelings sometimes never fade. So yea, it's likely because you never explored them. Try to take a step back and look at this, and him, logically. Is this someone you could see spending the rest of your life with? You know him well enough to know whether or not you could fulfill each others needs.

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