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Hi i asked this girl out by saying "________ i was wondering if you will go catch a movie with me or go have dinner or something sometime and she replied "sometime, sure"


so now my question is should i take her to a movie or dinner? i wanna take her to the dinner first but then i read on this website that Most girls worry about their weight and are embarrassed to let men they fancy see them eating a lot. She might refuse a date like this


so do you think she will refuse it if i ask her for dinner instead of movie?

any help please

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For a first date I'd recommend something very simple. I, personally, never do dinners for a first date, and a movie simply does not allow you to get to know the person through conversation. Dinner seems too intimidating, but coffee at a cafe or diner is always nice to invite people to. Perhaps ask if she'd rather go get some coffee some time. If she doesn't drink coffee, maybe she likes ice cream.


A walk in a park, a tour of some interesting part of the town that you're familiar with, or a diner (or a combination of any of these, and similar ideas) are all rather simple, calm atmospheres where a LOT of conversation can happen. Good luck :)


Also... When she said "Sometime, sure." that may not be a date. I tend to think of dates as involving specific times and places, so be certain she's interested before you make further plans.

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