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Giving me a signal or just shy?

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You know us guys. Sometimes we just don't get it.


I'm crushing on this girl who I study at trade school with. She's a nice girl. Really different from the bad girls I've gone for in the past.


Well, I don't know what's going on. But she's been giving me these weak one armed hugs whenever I hug her with both arms. I've never been given one armed hugs by females before, even by the most casually acquaintances of females. So I'm a bit confused. My friend's man-hating ex-girlfriend who hates me gives firmer hugs than her.


I've seen her hug her friend with both arms before so I don't think she's not a hugging type.


So is she trying to send a hard signal that she doesn't like me hugging her?


I like eating her oatmeal cookings a lot, so it would be disastrous if she doesn't like my hugs =/. But please give me the truth anyway. I don't want her feeling pressured when she's around me.

Edited by ViresSanctity
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How well do you know her?

She might be shy but at the same time she might be funny about her personal space. I know that personally, even though I'm a cuddly person, I often feel quite awkward hugging people I don't know very well...especially when it comes to males.

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How about stop hugging her and see if she hugs you first?


One handed hugs...mmmm, not good. She isn't into you that way.

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