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Have Fallen for a close friend.

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Basically this is my story.


About 4 years ago, i met this amazing girl, we became instant friends, since then we have become very good friends and have been part of some amazing events together. This year my feelings for her have become much stronger, to the point i think i may be falling in love with her. (i certainly haven't felt like this about a girl before). now its come to the point where i believe that i have to tell her how i feel for my own sake, so i can either move on or we can start something i think could be wonderful.


I was basically posting this to get some advice on;


1. Should I tell her how i feel ( i value her friendship very highly)

2. How do you go about telling someone you are really good friends with that you have fallen for them and want to see where these feelings lead?






Aussie Joe.

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This can be a risky business. Some people become uncomfortable about being the 'loved' person in a one-sided love situation (if that's what that is) so they flee when they find out how you feel.


If you think she'll be fine with it (or maybe even if you just can't stand keeping it in any longer), then I'd try a fairly innocent question. When next you're discussing relationships, ask if she thinks you two would make a good couple. That leaves the question in the theoretical realm so you're not directly on the line, and that allows her to answer honestly without directly rejecting you. If her face lights up and she's into the idea, then you can 'fess up to how you feel. If she's dubious or absolutely against it then you can back out of it gracefully, if you wish, without exposing your heart and then decide how you want to proceed thereafter.

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