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G/F best friend trys to Sabotoge our relationship (PLEASE HELP)


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Ok i am dating a girl out of a mission/ministery. She has 2 children and a full time job. I was introduced by her councilor and best friend, who also is the mission owners daughter so she has significant bearing on what my gf can and can't do.


Ok, that being said, I've been going out with this girl for 3 months now. Things were goin' great 'till her best friend (the one who hooked us up) said I was bieng clingy. This really took me by surprise, especially since I hadn't seen her (my g/f) for 3 weeks, and before that i might have seen her 3 times a week for around 3-4 hrs a day tops. At least 1 out of those 3 days I would include her kids.


Now she is receiving letters from an old bf, (not the kids' father) who is in prison. (She receives three a week, she just sends them back). This does not concern me...well, it didn't until her friend compared me to him (mind you she has never met the other guy).


She said I was possesive...and now she will just come up to her (my gf) and say, "Ya know he wants it to last forever," which, I dont know if I do or not. I try not to start from the conclusion. I tried to talk to the girl, but she acts like it's all cool and then goes and says all that crap to my GF.


I have no idea where to start on this, or whether i should just ignore it. Any help would be appreciated.

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Well obviously if your girlfriend is old enough to have children she is raising on her own she is also old enough and capable enough of managing her own love life right?


So, i'm wondering why it is that this friend of her's who introduced the two of you is trying to interfere now? There are a few possible reasons I can see~


1) The girl who introduced you actually liked you herself to begin with and now regrets the introduction

2) Your girlfriend has been telling this other girl she feels you are to "clingy"


3) The girl who introduced the two of you is now jealous and feeling "lost" because her best friend is in a relationship with you, and she isn't with anyone


Regardless, if I were you I wouldn't put up with anymore of this b.s~

Talk to your girlfriend yourself to find out how she is feeling, and the next time this other girl comes to you and tells you you're being to clingy or whatever, tell her that while you "appreciate" her concern that the relationship is between YOU and your GIRLFRIEND and the TWO of you will figure things out.


Good Luck

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Stop talking to the friend about your girlfriend. Get your girlfriend to do the same with you. Then discuss these issues with your girlfriend. It sounds like the friend is just starting sh*t.

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all 3 of you should have a sit down...ask why this other person feels she needs to be apart of your relationshio with your girl. Get beyond this and everything will be well onto its way to good things.


No smoke or mirrors after this correct?

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