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What does this text really mean

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She wrote "sry I've been busy. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Maybe this week or so. Please understand. Thanks."


The problem is she was said she was going to call over the weekend but gave me that text. And it does seem she's pulling away. Does she want me get the hint or is it something else.


Thank you

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She wrote "sry I've been busy. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Maybe this week or so. Please understand. Thanks."


Sometimes the simplest and most accurate meaning is the plain text meaning. Therefore, her text means:


She will call you as soon as she's free. Maybe this week or so.


If she doesn't, then forget about her.

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"sry I've been busy. I'll call you as soon as I'm free. Maybe this week or so. Please understand. Thanks."


This really could be she's busy and is sorry, wants you to understand.

Or it could be she's brushing you off and hinting the 'let me contact you next' line..


Either way, don't contact her. Let her get a hold of you.


You say you feel too, she's pulling away.. Other than this above example, is there anything else she's said or done that's made you feel her distance towards you?

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This girl I've been close friends with for almost 2 years randomly texted me (at 2am) that she now has a bf. We have kissed before (she has also stayed at my house ect) and she has also lied to me about having a boyfriend before but this time she told me she doesn't want me to talk to her anymore due to this bf.


She wont tell me anything about the guy (who he is, what he does, how they met, ect) and I did what she asked and backed off (even though I'm 95% sure she doesn't have one). The weird part is her close friends invited me to her surprise bday party and even though I couldn't make it a sent her a text message wishing her "happy birthday". She replies "why don't you stop contacting me"


The part that confuses me is why would her friends invited me if they knew about her bf and the sitiuation in general? Also why she reply to my bday text more than 27 hours later with that comment (if she really didn't want to talk to me why would she reply?)


Same gal? If so - forget about her. She's not interested.

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She's not interested.


There's an old adage: "If a woman is into you, she makes time." (how long does a phone call take?)

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It probably mean literally she'll call you when she's less busy. So let her call you. But a direct mess like this usually means that she's not interested.

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