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Is freak dancing with someone besides your gf/bf wrong?

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Just a little survey here:

Whats everyone's thoughts on when your bf/gf freak dances with someone besides you? (whether or not you're there). The reason that i'm asking is that my gf just got back from a vacation, and i eventually found out that she had been out freak dancing at clubs with "too many guys to count." am i right to be peeved about this? feel free to voice your opinions on this.

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HEy, as long as it's with a lot of guys, I see nooo problem. I adore dancing, my bf isn't found of it. So if I feel like dancing, I'll gather up the girls and we'll go dancing. Dancing Only, not picking up guys!


And I tell you I take care not to dance to one guy too much so as not to get the wrong idea. I know it's a touchy subject and dancing is used most of the times as a mean to hold a girl, touch her etc without crossing the line...



But to me dancing is a pleasure in itsself. I love the music, I love expressing it. My bf understands, aprreciates it and most of all trusts me. I think maybe you should do the same. So... do you?

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Jonny Madness

What I know is this: girls looooove to dance. Dancing has been a part of all cultures since the dawn of time. I'm a little too self conscious to enjoy it, but there have been times where I've had a blast dancing all night. I don't know wha the hell freak dancing is, probably what we called dirty dancing 5 years ago?



I think dancing can be sexual, and girls use it an excuse to have some sexy fun with other guys. When b/f gets jealous, he's a possessive, controlling, d*ckhead. Depending on how far it goes, I don't think it's a huge deal. If she's dancing like a slut, though, get rid of her because she probably is one.


Jonny Madness

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no. one major thing..my bf does NOT dance...he has no rhythm what-so-ever...i kinda awes me that there a re really people that do not and seemingly cannot learn to dance...even a simple box step.


so when i go out, ususally he is not there, i dance, and i do freak dance when the right songs come on...but that all it is is dancing, having fun, more like a show your are acting in. it's soo fun! usually you say thanks or something to the guy, i usually break away and dance with some other dude out on the floor and a lot of the time they have other girls dancing with them...then you get a little 3-some freak going on....hellafun!


and i do not really want these guys...but they dance!

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I would say that anything that involves rubbing your body on someone else IS cheating and it's wrong. I would be pissed if I saw my BF doing it and I would not do it if I were in a relationship. It's a smalls step to making out!

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Okay I'm 31 and I think Freak Dancing is basically dancing really close so that the pelvic areas are basically move in sync/rhythm with one another - almost a though you are simulating sex just standing up and to a beat. I think that's correct.


And if it is - how long have you two been together and basically this is how I feel about my man dancing with other women - if I am there NOT COOL. If I am not there, then fine. Basically I can't control his actions he's going to do whatever he wants to do - whatever he wants to do depends on how much he respects me and wouldn't want me doing this or that. When I go out I'm usually working but sometimes I'll dance and usually it's with my girlfriends/biz partners because a song came on that's a favorite of ours or with a guy but I am very much in control and don't allow certain behavior - I don't back up to him, I don't allow him to dance too close to me, and I don't dance the whole song - but that's just me - and I can dance my butt off, it's just that if I am out I'm working and I can't afford to be hot and sweaty and I usually don't have that much time - plus I don't want to get into the after dance conversation.


Keep it simple is my motto. Your girlfriend sounds young if she's still freak dancing and well honestly she's going to do young things - sounds to me like some relationship evaluation and then conversation needs to occur between the two of you to discuss establishing boundaries or a clear understanding of what is or isn't acceptable. If she doesn't respect the boundaries then cut her loose and move on to the next.

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Freak dancing = girl's butt to guy's crotch, basically grinding all over the guy's...


This is not something that a girl in a SERIOUS relationship should do with a bunch of strangers. If I were a guy, I would be jealous if my gf was out clubbing and rubbing up on these guys. Like a vertical lap dance. This is something that will erode your intimacy as a couple.

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