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the boyfriend/girlfriend question


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It the vast majority of times, it sort of evolves and becomes an understanding without being spoken. Maybe in junior high, guys ask girls for an official approval, but most often couples just sort of let it happen. It seems to be more romantic, mysterious, and challenging when it is not verbalized. Many people, however, do ask if the other person is seeing anyone else. If the answer is "no" then it is assumed that this is an official relationship.


For people who do require this to be verbalized, nothing wrong with that at all. There are people who like to know exactly where they stand and that's probably pretty smart. However, love is so much more an intuitive thing. If you have been seeing someone for a while and you aren't sure if you are in a relationship, there may be something seriously wrong.


I surely think people can know when they are in a commited relationship just by the way things are moving along. But, as I said, nothing wrong with asking for confirmation.

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once you pass a certian age it is just a given. if you are still in the teen years then yes it is probably necessary for him to ask.

Is it still necessary for a guy to ask a girl to be his girlfriend? or just happens? how would you know if you are a couple,if he doesn't do the asking?
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Well it is assumed that someone would do the asking. I think that still when a man wants to get serious he doesn't want you to be or see anyone else..so yeah someone has to ask. I think you know when you are a couple when one of you makes that clear..that it is only the two of you and neither are dating anyone else anymore. I'm not talking the old "will you go out with me" (but I'm sure it is still used), it is more like someone saying that they want to see more of you, or that they tell you they want to stop seeing other people, but it has to be that. After it is said..you have to beable to say that you are "with" that guy not just "dating" him.

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