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have our time passed?

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so the story is, we met over a year ago at a wedding, it was fantastic, we danced, we connected, he took my number and we spoke everyday for almost two weeks and went out once as friends. Soon after he got into a relationship with the woman he was dating. it was mutually accepted then that we sort of lost contact.


they broke up in october and him and i started speaking again in january. Again as friends but since then we have kept in close contact, we speak to each other every day and see each other often. However, he told me that this time around he is looking for a serious committed relationship and hes taking his time as hes tired of the chase.


i truly enjoy his company and considering that he opens up o me about things that are deemed to be personal i get the feeling that he does consider me as more than just a casual time filler or am i??


along with this, he sometimes speaks of a woman who he claims is just a good friend, a women who is already in a relationship. i get the feeling that he's waiting out for her.


my question is, how do i recover from being too available to him??? From always taking and returning his calls, being there, going out with him, listening, advising???? i did these things out of the basis that i tort after everything he would appreciate certainty and comfort as so do i.


the problem is he is not consistent, sometimes hes open and understanding and available and then hes suddenly not. I spoke to him about it and he said that hes sorry he didnt meant for it to be like that but he was busy.


What is the secret move to win his heart? Save my pride? Make him be intrigued by me?

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What is the secret move to win his heart? Save my pride? Make him be intrigued by me?


Wear low-cut blouses and make flirty eyes and sexual innuendos.


I know I'll get bashed for this but you are basically being the female equivelent of a "nice guy" and you are getting friendzoned. he probably does like and appreciate your company but the world is full of women that "listen and offer advice."


You've proven you are a good stable person but sexuality/romance is what makes our special person 'special.'


Pump up the sexuality and be a little more assertive of your own needs and don't let him or anyone else push you around or determine your course and you will be fine.

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